Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Better To Give Than To Receive

Who came up with that saying? While it is true that you do want to give to others, it is also true that God wants to give to you. Sometimes we have a hard time accepting a gift from someone. Like when someone says, "let me pay for your lunch today." We often times say, no, no, you do not have to do that, I will pay for my lunch, when in reality, we may have just stopped their blessing. God may have instructed them to pay for someone's lunch that day. He may have been teaching them on giving. One day last week, I bought breakfast for me and my boss while we were working on a Saturday, and then the next week, she tried to give me back the money. I wouldn't accept it, because number one she did not ask me to buy her breakfast, and number two, I did not do it so she would pay me back. Later, when I got home, I saw she had stuck some money in my purse. At first this hurt my feelings, and I thought I will stick this back in her purse Monday. But then at church Sunday, they were taking up a collection for the Gideons, and I thought, I wish I had some cash on me. And then I remembered the money in my purse. So I dropped it in the plate for the Gideons. You see, God will always provide a seed for those who give with a cheerful heart.

One lesson here is, that although it is better to give than to receive, it is also a blessing for others when they are trying to give to you, so graciously accept their gift and do not try to rob them of their blessings. And the other lesson is don't go to church without your checkbook or some cash because you never know when there will be an opportunity for you to give and to be blessed. AMEN!

By the way, the answer to the first question at the beginning, is JESUS.

In Acts 20 v 35......I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the LORD JESUS, that He said, " It is more blessed to give than to receive."........


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