Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Prayer Warriors

We need more prayer warriors. We need more people who pray without ceasing, who pray all the way through until the Holy Spirit in them tells them it is done. Prayer warriors who are diligent and don't give up on their prayers just because circumstances may be saying something different than what they are praying. Prayer warriors who do not stop in mid-stream when it seems the situation is getting better but has not been completely brought to fruition. We need prayer warriors who pray in their own understanding for others' needs that they are aware of, and who pray in the Holy Spirit in God's understanding for those things they are not aware of but that God is.
This is a ministry in itself. This is called intercessory prayer. There are so many people out there qualified for this ministry that do not realize it. God called all of us to pray for each other, and to pray without ceasing.

Think how many evil spirits, and enemies are having to flee because of prayer warriors out there praying without ceasing, praying the problem all the way through. Now, think of how many prayers are going unanswered because someone stopped their prayers half way through just when God was getting ready to bring them out on the other side. I read in one of my devotionals a scripture that really jumped out at me.

1 Chronicles 14 vs 11...So they went up to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. Then David said, "God has broken through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water."......

David defeated the Philistines here and he said it was like the water breaking through a dam, bursting forth unrestrained. In other words, God's power came bursting through with nothing holding Him back, (as we know nothing can) and brought him (David) victory over the Philistines because he was faithful to believe that what God told him was true.
The same thing with prayer. If we believe what God's word tells us about praying, then He will be faithful to burst through like a flood of waters breaking through the dam with our prayers answers as well. He did not just do this for David, and then stop there. No, He still answers prayers today. We just need the faith of David when we pray. In my devotional, he explained it like this. Once we start praying for something we open this tiny hole in the dam that Satan has built up against us or whomever we are praying for. Then as we continue to pray without ceasing, that tiny hole gets bigger and bigger until finally the pressure of the water behind the dam, the powers of God come bursting through and when they do, nothing Satan has can stop Him from seeing it through. Nothing can stop your prayers from being answered if you will stand in faith and pray without ceasing, until the Holy Spirit in you tells you it is done.

Matthew 5 v 4...Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted....

When we are praying intercessory prayers for someone, we are mourning for those who need answers, and God says we will be comforted. In other words our prayers will be answered.

Rev. 21 vs 4-6.... And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said, to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts."......

I like to think of this as saying, He will burst through with plenty of water, with plenty of answers to your prayers. You can cease praying for it is finished. You thirst for your answers for the prayers that you pray for others, and God says He will quench that thirst once and for all.
Don't give up on your prayers. Pray without ceasing.

1 Thes. 5 v 16-18....Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you....

In other words, pray with thanksgiving, believing your prayers to be answered with a yes and amen. This is praying with faith. Now find a good prayer partner and build up a prayer force that will run Satan out of your life and those you are praying for. Husbands and wives pray together, the devil hates this, because when a husband and wife come together in agreement with God and stand praying, this is a force that drives satan crazy and causes him to flee. The Lord knew what He was doing when He placed Rob and I together, even when when we were not living for Him, He saw on down the line that we would become strong prayer partners for Him. We can feel His power working every night when we spend time in prayer together. We get so excited when we feel Him answering our prayers for others. It gets a little loud at our house at night sometimes when we invite the Lord in for prayer time. Focus when you pray, don't just say some practiced prayer you say without thinking about what you are saying. No get in there and really pray for those things that seem impossible believing that nothing is impossible with God. Hallelujah!


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