Monday, February 25, 2008

Have You Trampled on the Blood Lately?

While reading the scriptures given in my devotional one day, I decided to keep reading and came across this scripture which I am sure I have read many times before. But for some reason, most likely because it was a word for me from God, this scripture really hit me between the eyes.

Hebrews 10 vs 26-30....For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. And again, "The Lord will judge His people.".....

My goodness, if that doesn't make you stand up and take notice, you better have someone pinch you and wake you up before its too late. This scripture is telling us that once we have received the truth (being JESUS) that if we continue in our sins, it is no different than us standing looking over the body of our Lord and spitting on His blood. WOW! Pretty tough huh! Now think about that, and what God is thinking about someone who spits on His Son. I am sure He is hurting because He knows the consequences we will have to face. The judgment. But, we also need to know that the consequences do not come from Him, they are the consequences of the sin we are in. God does not bring evil things upon us, we do so by living in that particular sin. For example: If you were say a prostitute, or living in sexual immorality, then a consequence of that sin would probably be something like aids, or other sexually transmitted diseases. My son said it like this once, and it made a lot of sense. For every action there is a reaction. Just like for every sin there is a consequence. Sin being an action, now there has to be a reaction (a consequence). So depending on what type of sin you are committing, there will be a consequence fitting. Sort of like when we say does the punishment meet the crime? Well, the consequence will meet the sin. Now for all of you getting in an uproar and saying well there are babies born with aids, they did not sin, that is correct, and I am not saying everyone who has aids sinned in sexual immorality, I am just using that as an example of what type of consequence might fit the sin of sexual immorality. Another example would be someone who goes around gossiping all the time, will eventually find they have no friends left because no one wants to be gossiped about, so this person might find themselves in a consequence of being alone for the rest of their life, and not being able to hear the word of God clearly because their hearts are so full of gossip that there is no room for the word.

The part of this scripture that says when we continue in sin, it is as if we count the blood of the covenant a common thing. OUCH! I think about when I sin, like cursing, or gossiping, something we may consider not so significant of a sin, well then that is when we consider the blood of the covenant, Jesus' blood insignificant, and common. OUCH! Am I the only one being stepped on in this word today. So when we sin, we need to be quick to recognize and repent and not go back and sin in that area again. We need to make sure we are in tuned to our Spirit man living within us, so that we will recognize quickly when we are sinning or about to sin, and repent and mean it with all of our hearts and He will be just to forgive us. Remember, the scripture aboves says, He will be the judge of His people. I for one, do not want to be judged on trampling the blood of Jesus.

Remember, God will forgive you anything as long as you come to His Son and ask forgiveness and then change your heart and your mind to line up with Him and His word. In other words let Him be the Lord of your life, and not sin.


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