Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Will Your Faith Walk Show

When the enemy comes against you, and attacks you with something so big that you are shaken to your core, what will your faith walk show? Will you rejoice and praise God? Or will you lie down and let the enemy soak in? What I mean is will you meditate on what the enemy is telling you and stay focused on your problem? The word tells us that we are to praise God in all things, to rejoice always in everything.

Phil 4 v 4....Rejoice in the LORD always, again I will say, rejoice!

Phil 4 v 6....Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God....

We need more than ever to focus on His word and what He says when we are attacked, We need to give Him the praise and the glory and thanksgiving for our victory even when we cannot see the victory yet. AMEN!

When we cry out to God, we need to cry out in faith and not despair. We need to cry out thanking Him and rejoicing in Him and what He has already done for us and not cry out begging for Him to do something that has already been taken care of. AMEN!

1 Thes. 5 v 16-17...Rejoice always,pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you...

This scripture tells us what the will of God for us is. That we rejoice always, that we pray always, that we give thanks always. You might say, how do you give thanks when you have been diagnosed with some fatal disease?

You go to the WORD and read in 1 Pet 2v 24, that you were healed of all your diseases, or in Is. 53 v 5, by His stripes you were healed. AMEN!

Look at Paul when he was in prison chained. He started singing and praising God and giving thanks to Him, and his chains were loosed and he was free.

The same is true today, when you cry out to God in Faith, rejoicing in what you can't see yet, but having faith that His word is truth, you will be loosed from what ever chains that bind you, be it sickness, poverty, loneliness, whatever curse that is trying to bind you. The word says in Matthew 16 v 19 that what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. What ever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.

What are you holding on to? What are you binding around your neck? In other words what are you accepting over your life? Is it of God, or is it of the enemy? If it is a curse, it is of the enemy. If it is not love, it is not of GOD. AMEN!

Jesus tells us in Matthew 11 v 29-30 to take on His yoke and learn from Him and He will give you rest. His yoke is easy. In other words trade your yoke that you are trying to hang around your neck for His yoke. AMEN! Have Faith in His yoke, instead of the yoke, you are trying to wear. Because when you meditate on your problem you are giving your problem more faith than you are giving to Him. AMEN!

Where does this faith come from? From His Word. Make up your mind today to REJOICE in all things. When you do, you resist the devil and the devil has to flee. AMEN.

James 4 v 7...therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you......

Remember when you submit to God, when you are praising Him and rejoicing in Him you are doing His will. AMEN!


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