Friday, April 18, 2008

The Awesome Power of God

I was awestruck by a scripture last night, while Rob and I was doing our nightly devotional. I mean I know I have probably read this scripture numerous times but something caught my attention last night like never before.

Exodus 33 vs 20-23...but He said, "you cannot see My face; for no man, shall see Me, and live." And the LORD said, "Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not seen.".........

It struck me how awesome and powerful God truly is, so much so, that His power could wipe you out if you looked upon His face. Now that is what I call power. There is no other power that comes close to this kind of power. So you see, what ever you are dealing with, God says, come stand here by my side, while I pass my glory through and around you so that nothing can come near you as long as you are abiding by my side. Because nothing can withstand the power of God that is surrounding you. WHOOOO!! HOOOO!! If that does not set your hairs on end, I don't think you are breathing. So you see, how can sickness, or poverty or diseases come near you if you are surrounded by the Magnificent Glory of God. It just can not. When He tells us to stand on the rock, He is telling us to stand on the foundation that Jesus has given us. We have the word of God to build our foundation. When we stay in His word, we are in His presence, and when we are in His presence, NOTHING can come near us to harm us, or steal the word of promise from us. That is why the Lord told us to pray without ceasing, and to keep the word on our lips and in our hearts always.

Man, I don't know about you but the presence of the LORD will never be the same for me again. When I think about that power that is so great, He has to hide our face from it, I just get goose bumps. I love the LORD, our God. What about you. Give Him praise today. HALLELUJAH!!


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