Thursday, July 7, 2011

Vacationing With God

We have been learning how to rest in God this month on Wed. nights at church. Learning how to take a vacation with God so to say. We all need a vacation, but some of us will think we do not have time, or we can't afford to take off work, or things will just fall apart if we are not right there all the time. Those are lies of the enemy trying to keep you in bondage and keep you from entering into God's rest.

You see we do not have to physically go anywhere, we can take a vacation right at home. Take a vacation from the TV, radio, computer, telephone. We were given a free will to make choices. One of the best choices we could make is to take a vacation from these things daily and rest in Him. Spend time with Him in His word and let His peace envelope us.

We need to make sure when we take a vacation whether it be at home, turning all these things off, or if we actually do go somewhere that we take all of our parts with us. You may ask what parts? Well, our Spirit, our soul and our body. You see we are made up of three parts. First we are made in God's image, we are a Spirit, living in an earthly suit, our body, and then we have a soul, this is where we find our mind, will and emotion. I know people who go on vacation in their earthly bodies but they forget to let their soul go as well. Their mind stays on their work, their unfinished chores, their family members, etc. etc. They have not let their wholeselves take a vacation so then when they return they are still tired, and run down.

My brother and sister in law just took a vacation and came to visit us. I have to say I was concerned that my little brother would be like our father was and would not be able to have fun worrying about his business, or my sister in law worrying about her new grandbaby, but I am happy to report I was wrong. They seemed to have had a great time. (I just hope I did not wear them out too much) HA! They are learning to rest in the Lord as well.

They take little short camping trips close to home periodically just to get away and relax. This is a great idea, we could all take a page out of this book. We do not have to travel hundreds of miles and spend lots of money to go on vacation. Rob and I will sometimes take our canvases and paints and just go find a quiet place to have a picnic and paint and relax. When you paint you sort of empty your mind of everything else and focus on what you are trying to capture on canvas. (We are not artists, we do this as an exercise to relax.) That is the whole point, taking a rest.

If we would allow ourselves the luxury, we could actually take a mini vacation everyday and put aside some time to relax and rest in the Lord's arms. Find a quiet alone spot, get into His word and let His peace fill you up so that you are totally at peace and rest. We can all afford this vacation, there are no excuses except the ones the enemy gives you as to why you can not do this. Quit letting the enemy steal your vacation time. Make a decision today to take a mini vacation each and everyday and spend it with God. You won't regret it, I promise. And you will be surprised how much your time seems to grow to do the other things that you thought you didn't have time to accomplish if you took off a few moments from every day living for just you and God. You see when you put Him first in all things, then all other things will be added unto you.

Matt. 6 v 33...But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you...

Time is one of all these things.

The Lord tells us to come to Him to rest in Him to lay down our burdens and rest. He wants you to be at peace and rested. Let's all make that choice today. Let's all go to Him, lay down our burdens, get into His word and just chill out. Let's defeat the enemy today by giving our time to God and not to the enemy. Be FOREWARNED, the enemy will bring up excuses and use every trick in the book to make you think you do not have the time. But remember, HE IS A LIAR. We do have the time, we just have to choose to take it.

Matthew 11 v 28-30...."Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly (humble) in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."......

I know alot of people are planning vacations, be sure to let your souls rest as well. Make it a point not to take your cares on your vacations with you. Don't leave them at home, leave them with the Lord. And when you go on vacation don't forget to take Jesus with you. He is where you will find your rest. Take His word with you and


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