Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do You Support Your Pastor

There's a question for us. Do we support our Pastors? Well do we? When God told us to give our ten percent (the bare minimum) and then to give from our first fruits of (ALL) our increases, He was telling us to support our Pastors. Does your pastor have to work a second job just to make ends meet, or just to put food on his family's table? If so, then someone somewhere in that church is not getting the message from God.

Would you really want your Pastor going to a secular job everyday dealing with a bunch of junk that the world is trying to throw at him? Working with secular thinking people, lost people, people who gossip and tear down each other all day? What kind of message do you think you are going to get after he is filled up with that all week? Yes, he will do his best to stay in the word of God, to keep the word of God in front of him, but what if this job demands so much of his time, that his time with God is lacking? What was that? You say, he should prioritize and put God first, and spend time in the word? Is that what you do? Don't be so quick to say what he should be doing, if you yourself are not doing it. You say, but he is the pastor! That's right and you are the body of Christ that, the word says is suppose to be supporting him!

Would you take advantage of your best friend eating at his house everyday and never offering anything in return to help pay for the meals that you eat? Well, what do you think you are doing when you go to Jesus's house each week and get fed by HIM, through your pastor who HE annointed with HIS word to feed you? That's right, you are taking advantage. But you may say, well I didn't get anything out of that message today. Well, I say, did you pay for your food that day? You say the gospel is free to all. I say you are right, but GOD, HIMSELF, says you are to give a tenth of what you have. So don't get mad at me for telling you the truth. It is HIS word, I am just sharing it. (And by the way, this meal is free)

Luke 21 v 1-4....And He looked up and saw the rich putting in their gifts into the treasury. And He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, "Truly I say unto you, that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for GOD, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had".......

What did you sacrifice for GOD today, or this week? Did it really cost you anything when you gave?

2 Cor. 9 6-8.....But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you always having all sufficeincy in all things, may have an abundance for every good work....

Did you give to get back this week, or did you give believing that God would supply your every need, and keep you in abundance? Did you give cheerfully, and generously, or did you give out of necessity just to follow the law? What did you purpose in your heart this week to give to your LORD?

Matthew 6 v 21....For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also....

Jesus tells us that we are not to store up riches on this earth so that moths can eat and destroy, but to store up treasures in heaven, where nothing can destroy.

You might be saying this message took a turn into being all about giving. Well, you would be right. It takes all of us to support our pastors and the gospel of Christ. Remember, you are not just giving your money to a man who is running your church building and facilities. You are giving so that Jesus can get His message to others through His servants who are your Pastors.

Oh yeh, all that other stuff they do, like being on call 24/7 and coming to visit you in the hospitals, or sending forth people to bring you food, or sending missionaries out into the world to bring the gospel of Christ to a lost world, or having special programs for your teenagers to keep them in church and off the streets, or providing a nursery with caring people to take care of your babies and small ones while you are being fed the gospel, well all of that is free. That is just something your Pastor makes sure is getting done because He feels in his heart that JESUS has led him to this calling, so he is going to be an obedient servant to whatever it takes to make you comfortable, to feed you well, to provide a safe haven for your children. Well, you get the picture. Their job never ends. So when you get off at 5 oclock tomorrow, stop and think, "I wonder what my pastor is doing right now and does he need my help with something?"

By the way, have you at least prayed for your pastor today???

RTB....Sunday...Job 13-16
...MON...Job 17-21
.....Tue....Job 22-26
...Wed...Job 27-30
Thur....Job 31-34
Fri....Job 35-38

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