Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Be a Strong Tree not a Sapling!

We are called as Christians to be like a strong tree planted by a river of flowing waters, that we may drink deeply and our roots will grow deep and strong. We should not be easily uprooted.

How many of us can say that this is a good description of our Faith? How strong are your roots. How deep do they grow?

PS 1 vs 3....He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper......

This is one of my favorite scriptures. You know if it has to do with growing something, I can always relate better to it. But as you will see later in my words, I do not always produce like I should.

Have you ever seen a May-haw tree? They grow along river banks, or creek beds. Have you ever noticed the price of a jar of May-haw jelly? The reason being is it takes 7 years for a May-haw to produce fruit once planted.

Don't let it take you 7 years to produce fruit once you get a revelation of something. That is not what God intended. He wants us to produce fruit right away. He tells us to take His word out into the ends of the world. Seven years is a big price to pay for not producing fruit for God. That is 7 years of missing out on blessings where there could have been some. Blessings in your health, your relationships, your finances, etc. I would have to say, a May-haw tree is not what God intended for us to be. But more like a Giant Sequoia Redwood, with a deep, deep tap root, and a tree that grows strong and tall.

I had a revelation this morning while studying the word. I am ashamed to say it was not to my good. There is a couple here who I do not particularly care about being around. Yesterday, when we got ready to eat with another couple, this couple came walking down to the room where we were, just like always waiting to be invited to eat with us. I was agitated, not because we didn't have more than enough but because I wanted a nice quiet Christmas dinner with other Christians with no ugly language at the table. I did not invite them to stay, but the other lady who is always gracious in such matters did. I told Rob, later, how ashamed I felt for not inviting them to stay as we had so much food. I said you know I always pray for none to go hungry and when God gives me a chance to feed someone, I turn my back. You see, I was acting like the person who only wanted to invite the people he wanted to impress and the people who could give back to him. What I was missing out on, was the blessing God wanted to give me for feeding one of His children. The blessing of the passage when Jesus says, you fed me when I was hungry. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how like a May-haw tree, I was holding back on producing my fruit.

My roots are growing deeper now and I am seeing more and more clearly what being a Christian is really all about. Not just talking nice and being polite for others to see, but also being kind and giving for when only Jesus is watching.

Be a Sequoia not a May-haw! (I think it's fruit is overpriced anyway)


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