When we sing at church, be it in the choir or out in the congregation, who are we really singing for. Are we trying to out sing the lady next to us, because we think our voice is so much better than hers? (anyone who knows me, knows that I can't carry a tune) Or are we getting into the groove of the music and singing because we know all the words?
John 4 vs 23-24....."Yet a time is coming and has now come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
So when we say we are singing to worship the LORD,
Are we really singing out of our heart to the Lord and not even aware of the people around us? Are we truly worshiping the Lord? Well, if you say you are singing to praise and worship the Lord then I hope you are paying attention to all the words that you are singing. Because what you are doing is promising Him that you are going to do whatever the words you are singing say. For instance the song, "We've come to Worship You", this song says: [ Lord, we've come to worship you, we've come to lay down our lives at your feet, we've come to honor You and offer You our praise. So our hands go up and our hearts go out and our voices rise with a glorious shout, we're delighted to sacrifice everything.] Now after singing that, we have told Him that we will gladly sacrifice everything. Did you really mean it? Everything? That means TV shows that are not pleasing unto Him, hanging out in those places or with those people who are not pleasing to Him, going to R rated movies, and I have to say some PG movies. Giving up some of your time to Him, instead of watching that ball game, or whatever else your choice of TV might be. Or it may be going hunting or fishing on Sunday instead of going to worship Him in His house like you said you would in the song. And how many of you really lift up holy hands to praise your King? Yet you will stand up and do the wave at a ball game and not feel ashamed, or hoot and holler at a concert.
We need to really think about the words we are singing unto Him, and not just read the words on the screen or out of those hymnals. Get a good Christian CD and listen to the words carefully, search your heart and see if you can indeed sing those words to Christ yourself. Not just because you might have a good voice, but because you truly mean what you are singing.
This week at church, lift up your voices and your hands and give Him the praise and worship He deserves.
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