While reading my devotional the other day, the writer used an analogy about how when we cast our cares on the Lord, it is like we give Him the car keys. He put it like this:
If you tossed someone your car keys, then a few minutes later someone asked you to move your car, you would not be able to, because you no longer have the keys to start the car, and the guy you tossed them to has already left.
That is how if we truly cast our cares on the Lord, we should not be able to take them back if we really cast them over to Him to start with.
This was really a good way to put this, and while dealing with something that day, I thought, Nope, I am just going to toss you the keys Lord. Then a little while later I started thinking about this situation again, and immediately the Holy Spirit called me a Back Seat Driver. That kind of shut up my thoughts real quick. Rob is always telling me I am an awful back seat driver, so he just agreed to let me drive all the time. Well, the Lord is not agreeing to that. He says cast your cares and don't take them back.
How many of you are like me, and you still think you can drive that car and handle it better than the driver? Only, this time the driver is the Lord! Ouch! How sad is that? We think we know how to handle our problems better than He does. We may say we don't think that way but, if we are picking our concerns back up after casting them to Him, then that is exactly what we are saying.
1 Pet 5 vs 7...casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you....
What about that song, " I surrender all Lord" did we really? If we did, then we would never have another worried thought or fret over anything else again. You see, we would like to think that we have turned it over to the Lord, but when we worry about our kids, or worry over any situation, we are picking our cares back up and not casting them over to Him.
PS 37 vs 8b....do not fret--it only causes harm....
Matthew 6 vs 26-27..".Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?".....
Matthew 6 vs 34.."Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble"....
I would like to think that I could make a conscious effort from now on, every time I start to worry over something that I would stop and say I'm sorry Lord, I did say you could drive, didn't I? And then sit back and enjoy the scenery, because you know it is going to be good if He is driving.
If you tossed someone your car keys, then a few minutes later someone asked you to move your car, you would not be able to, because you no longer have the keys to start the car, and the guy you tossed them to has already left.
That is how if we truly cast our cares on the Lord, we should not be able to take them back if we really cast them over to Him to start with.
This was really a good way to put this, and while dealing with something that day, I thought, Nope, I am just going to toss you the keys Lord. Then a little while later I started thinking about this situation again, and immediately the Holy Spirit called me a Back Seat Driver. That kind of shut up my thoughts real quick. Rob is always telling me I am an awful back seat driver, so he just agreed to let me drive all the time. Well, the Lord is not agreeing to that. He says cast your cares and don't take them back.
How many of you are like me, and you still think you can drive that car and handle it better than the driver? Only, this time the driver is the Lord! Ouch! How sad is that? We think we know how to handle our problems better than He does. We may say we don't think that way but, if we are picking our concerns back up after casting them to Him, then that is exactly what we are saying.
1 Pet 5 vs 7...casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you....
What about that song, " I surrender all Lord" did we really? If we did, then we would never have another worried thought or fret over anything else again. You see, we would like to think that we have turned it over to the Lord, but when we worry about our kids, or worry over any situation, we are picking our cares back up and not casting them over to Him.
PS 37 vs 8b....do not fret--it only causes harm....
Matthew 6 vs 26-27..".Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?".....
Matthew 6 vs 34.."Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble"....
I would like to think that I could make a conscious effort from now on, every time I start to worry over something that I would stop and say I'm sorry Lord, I did say you could drive, didn't I? And then sit back and enjoy the scenery, because you know it is going to be good if He is driving.
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