While reading in the book of John, I was so moved by the prayer Jesus prayed for each of us. Did you get that? Each of us, that means you, you, and you and me!!!!
John 17 vs 20-26....."I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one; I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me."
"Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."......
That has to be the most beautiful part of the word. The passage before is Jesus praying for His disciples to the Father. But, then He doesn't stop there. No, He says, and while I am at it Father, I also want all believers to have the same promise. It is My desire that all believers be one in Us, as You and I are one, so they may be one in Us also.
Can you get that? Jesus is telling God the Father that He does not just want His disciples to be in eternity with Him, but He wants all believers with Him and the Father. If that doesn't give you a peace and understanding about where you will be spending eternity, then maybe we need to check to see why you do not include yourself in this passage. The only way you could not be included in this prayer of Jesus to the Father, is if you are not a believer. I pray that each of you know Jesus as your personal savior, and have developed a relationship with Him and the Father, so that you too can have this peace.
Jesus is also saying that all the people, we give the word to, and share Him, and bring them to know Him as their savior are included also. This is an endless promise. This is a promise for as long as we are here on this earth and able to spread the good news about our Lord. The more of your friends and family that you share the word with, the more that accept Jesus as their personal savior the more we will be spending eternity with one day. My personal wish, is that everyone I come to know and even ones I do not know personally that I deal with will come to Love the Lord as their personal savior. I want to be just like Jesus, I want to walk in Love and love everyone unconditionally just like He did, I want to be able to see past their flaws, and only see them as He does. How about you? Wouldn't you love to walk in that kind of love? What a world this would be, if all Christians could really walk in the love Jesus walked in! WOW!
Read the book of John this week, take your time, and let it sink in. Over and over in this book Jesus tells us one thing, that He leaves us with this one command, to Love One Another! Let's all read it until we get it.
John 17 vs 20-26....."I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one; I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me."
"Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."......
That has to be the most beautiful part of the word. The passage before is Jesus praying for His disciples to the Father. But, then He doesn't stop there. No, He says, and while I am at it Father, I also want all believers to have the same promise. It is My desire that all believers be one in Us, as You and I are one, so they may be one in Us also.
Can you get that? Jesus is telling God the Father that He does not just want His disciples to be in eternity with Him, but He wants all believers with Him and the Father. If that doesn't give you a peace and understanding about where you will be spending eternity, then maybe we need to check to see why you do not include yourself in this passage. The only way you could not be included in this prayer of Jesus to the Father, is if you are not a believer. I pray that each of you know Jesus as your personal savior, and have developed a relationship with Him and the Father, so that you too can have this peace.
Jesus is also saying that all the people, we give the word to, and share Him, and bring them to know Him as their savior are included also. This is an endless promise. This is a promise for as long as we are here on this earth and able to spread the good news about our Lord. The more of your friends and family that you share the word with, the more that accept Jesus as their personal savior the more we will be spending eternity with one day. My personal wish, is that everyone I come to know and even ones I do not know personally that I deal with will come to Love the Lord as their personal savior. I want to be just like Jesus, I want to walk in Love and love everyone unconditionally just like He did, I want to be able to see past their flaws, and only see them as He does. How about you? Wouldn't you love to walk in that kind of love? What a world this would be, if all Christians could really walk in the love Jesus walked in! WOW!
Read the book of John this week, take your time, and let it sink in. Over and over in this book Jesus tells us one thing, that He leaves us with this one command, to Love One Another! Let's all read it until we get it.
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