Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Celebrate

Who is right or who is wrong about how we celebrate Christmas? Pastor Sam said something this morning while listening to him on the internet that made me realize this truth. No matter what you think about how Christmas is celebrated, it will be celebrated.

You can take down all the lights, all the decorations, get rid of the snowmen and the santas and all the gifts but Christmas is still going to be. You can not change the fact that Christ was born and that this is what we are celebrating. No matter what you do, or what you say, darkness can not put the "Light" out, nor can darkness absorb the "Light". All the naysayers, and the people who complain about Christmas being too commercialized, or only have negative things to say about the way Christmas is celebrated can not extinquish the "Light" that shines so brightly this one time of year for most. Have you ever noticed how much friendlier, and generous some people get at Christmas? Why do suppose this is? It is the "Light", the "Joy", the "Christ" that is in Christmas that brings this about. You see you can not take the "Christ" out of Christmas.

So even if you do not share in the gift giving, the lights, the decorations at least try to share in the JOY of Christmas. Remember this is Your "SAVIOR"s birthday we are celebrating. And whether you want to or not, you should give the gift that everyone can afford to give. Give the gift of LOVE to EVERYONE, and not just at Christmas but all year long. God, Himself, gave you this gift, so don't be stingy with it, share it.

Like Pastor Sam said this morning, this is one time of year that this is a symbol of Hope and Joy to a lost world, so instead of being negative this year, be positive and love all people no matter how they might celebrate the holidays. Choose your way to celebrate Christmas but most importantly choose to do it with LOVE for each other. AMEN!

Lets celebrate Christmas with our new man and not our old.
Col. 3 v 12-15.......Therefore as the elect of God, holy and beloved, "put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which you were called in one body; and be thankful.......

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth to All Men

Monday, December 14, 2009


How many times have we heard that phrase at Christmas time? You know the one in Luke the Christmas Story, the story of the birth of Jesus. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Savior is given.

God gave us the best Christmas present He could ever give. His only Son. And not only did He give us this gift but there is no way to earn this gift, or buy this gift, you have only but to accept this gift.

Once you accept the gift of His only Son, then it is up to you what to do with the gift. Will you worship the Gift, or will you just put the Gift away with the rest of your past gifts?

You see the verse reads UNTO US, not unto the gentiles, unto the jews or unto you or unto me but to us. Everyone is given this gift. How many will accept God's gift or how many will reject the Gift?

As you read the story of the birth of Jesus this Christmas and remember what Christmas is all about, remember also that UNTO US, this gift was given.

Luke chapter 2 (the Christmas Story)

Wishing all of my tid-bit readers a very Merry Christmas, may the Lord bless you each with more than enough of Health, Joy, Wealth and Peace on Earth.
Love you all
Neta & Rob

Monday, November 2, 2009

He Missed The Point

When reading in the word in Mark 10 v 17-22 we see the young man who came up to Jesus and asked Him what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told him, do not commit adultery, do not commit murder, do not steal and He pretty much listed the 10 commandments and the young man said all these things have I kept since my youth. In other words he said I am already doing that. Jesus said but one thing you lack , go your way and sell whatever you have and give to the poor. But the man became very saddened at this because he had great wealth.

You see he missed the point. If he had truly known Jesus he would have known that Jesus would have doubled what he sold and gave to the poor. He would have had double what he already had. You see he did not have to be sad he should have been leaping for joy knowing that Jesus would repay him, and would have multiplied greatly what he already had. How many of us miss that point every day? How many of us hold on to our last penny instead of using what we have to help those who have not?

Read in Proverbs 19 v 17......He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and He will pay back what he has given...

Ephes. 4 v 28....Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need....

Count your blessings that you have a job and that you are in good health to be able to work, so that you may please GOD and give to those who are in need, so that God may reward you with all your needs.

We have been on the subject of Eternal treasures the last few weeks at church and when you stop and think about it, what are you holding on to? Are you building your future here or are you building your future in the Kingdom of God for all eternity?

Mark 10 v 17-22....Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, "Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" So Jesus said to him, "why do you call me Good? No one is good but One, that is, "God. You know the commandments; "Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and your mother." And he answered and said to Him, "Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth." Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack... Go your way, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven: and come take up the cross and follow Me." But he was sad at this word and went away sorrowful, for he had great possesions......

How sad is that?
Remember Luke 6 v 38..."Give and it will be given unto you, good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you"..............................

Hallelujah, what good news. Don't let the economy get you down, I just showed you in the word how you can beat it every time. AMEN!

RTB...Sunday...Jer. 19-21
Mon.....Jer 22-24
Tues.....Jer 25-27
Wed.....Jer 28-30
Thurs.....Jer 31-33
Fri........Jer 34-36
Sat.......Jer 37-39

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Are You Missing

Today Pastor was talking about a conversation he had with a man, about whether or not he believed in the word of God, the man said yes, Pastor said the whole book not just bits and pieces and the man replied yes, to which Pastor then asked, have you read the whole book? The man hung his head and said no. Then Pastor asked how can you believe in what you don't know?

That got me thinking. If our faith is built on the word of God, and we have not completed the whole book, then what are we missing out on?

For some, they may have never read in Is. 53 v 5 where the word tells us by His stripes we were healed.
Or maybe you haven't read in Deut. 28 all of the blessings that belong to you because of the faithfulness of Abraham.
Or maybe you do not realize that you are the righteousness of God and that you have the same power in you that was given to Christ Jesus to heal, to baptize, to receive the Holy Spirit, Acts 1 v 8.
Or maybe they do not realize they have been given the power to prophesy and speak in other tongues, Acts 19 v 6.

There are so many promises in the Bible (the word of GOD) for us that if we have not read the enitre book we are obviously going to miss out on some of those. There is wisdom in the word of God and if we have not read the entire book how can we receive what God has for us in wisdom?

I am excited about reading the bible through and not just so I can say I have read the entire bible but so that I do not miss out on anything God has prepared for me. This is HIS word and HE has prepared it for you, all you have to do is read it. AMEN!

RTB.....just finished IS
Sun...1 Pet 1-5
Mon..Jer. 1-3
Tue..Jer. 4-6
Wed. Jer. 7-9
Thur. Jer. 10-12
Fri. Jer...13-15
Sat. Jer...16-18

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Fresh Look

Hello tid-bit readers. Have I got a treat for you. For all of those who know Brandon, (my son) here is his web site for his ministry at home called 318 LIVE,, you can go to this site and get some good word anytime you need it. Just click on one of the message icons and then when opened go to the bottom of page and click on the track to hear and get the full message. He is an AWESOME MAN OF GOD. His ministry meets on Monday nights, but the messages are usually a week behind getting on the site. Hope you all enjoy the word as much as I do when it is presented by Brandon in a way that gets you fired up for GOD. AMEN!
Love you all

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In The Cool Of The Day

Our Sunday school teacher was talking Sunday about when Adam & Eve would walk with the Lord each day in the cool of the day, walking and talking with God. This was before they brought sin into their lives.

Think about that walking and talking with God, just you and God all alone taking a quiet leisurely stroll through the garden. Doesn't that sound wonderful. Jeremy (our Sunday school teacher) says that when he takes his walk each day, he walks with God and listens to Him speak into his life. That is how we all should be, taking a personal walk with God each day and listening to Him speak wisdom into our lives. You know me, I am always ready to walk through a garden, but to walk through with God by my side is AWESOME!

You know we would not struggle so much with the things of this world if we would remember that God is walking along side of us each day, and He is there to catch the bombs (troubles) thrown at us. If we would just let Him and quit trying to out do Him and take all the troubles on by ourselves we would be alot healthier, happier, people. AMEN!

Genesis 3 v 8-9.....And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD GOD among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD GOD called to Adam and said to him, "where are you?"....

Does God have to call out to you and ask where you are? Are you living in sin so that you are embarrased and do not want to face God and have your walk with Him in the cool of the day? Each day we should examine ourselves to see what will God see when we meet with Him today? Will He see a servant who has been walking in love all day toward his brothers or will He see someone who has been walking around causing strife, or gossiping, or being unfaithful to Him in other ways?

This really hit home with me when Jeremy made that simple comment about walking with the LORD each day in the cool of the day talking with Him. I want to be able to walk and talk with Him and fellowship with Him and not have to constantly be asking for His forgiveness although He is always ready to give it, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to just fellowship with the LORD and not have to ask for anything?

How will your walk & talk go with the Lord today, what will you be talking about? I can't wait until the cool of the day to have my one on one time with the LORD. He loves us so much. AMEN!

RTB..We finished Proverbs, then Hebrews and now we are in Eccles.
Sun....Eccles. 1-4
Mon....Eccles 5-8
Wed....Song of Solo ...1-2
Thur....Song of Solo...3-4
Fri....Song of Solo...5-8
Sat...James 1-5 (One of my favorite books)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are You A Missionary

Do you go out unto all the nations preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, do you go out into the streets of your own nation, do you give generously and cheerfully into the mission programs at your church so that they can send forth missionairies, do you tell all the people you know about the good news of Jesus Christ? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I would have to say you are a Missionary.

Sometimes we think that only those who are actually on foreign soils doing God's work are missionaries, but that is not the case. We have been focused on Missions this month at our church, this is Mission's month for us and I have really enjoyed hearing the different missionaries who have come to speak as guest speakers this month. They do not come begging money they come to share the good work that God is doing through them around the world with the help of the missionaries here at home who support and send them.

We call these people Missionaires but Jesus called them disciples. We read in Matthew the "Great Commission" where Jesus is talking to His disciples and He tells them to go out and make disciples in all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Who did He tell to go? His disciples. Who were His disciples? His followers.

Are you a born again Christian following the commandments of Jesus? Then you too are a disciple. What did Jesus tell His disciples to do? Then you being a disciple now are to do the same. You have been commissioned by Jesus Himself to go into all the nations preaching His good news and baptizing in His name.

Matt. 28 v 18-20.......And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." AMEN.....

The end of the age has not come, and Jesus is still with you always. He is not sending you out on your own, but He says He goes with you. How many people will you tell the good news to this week? How many of us will accept this commission from the LORD?

I hope you are still reading each day the Bible, I have been out of pocket for a while, and the Lord has really spoken to me about shirking the responsibility He gave me to reach the nations through this blog spot. Don't get caught up in the things of the world and put Jesus somewhere to come back to later, but spend each day as if it were your last, doing His good work.

RTB.... We have finished Psalms and then went to Titus and Philemon and now we are in Prov.

Sunday Prov 22-24
Mon. Prov 25-27
Tue Prov 28-31
Wed Heb 1-4
Thurs Heb 5-7
Fri Heb 8-10
Sat Heb 11-13

Sunday, August 2, 2009

GOD's Promise To You

There is a promise in Genesis from God to Abraham that comes right back to you. One that we can take and use against our enemy, whatever that enemy might be.

Gen. 22 v 16-17.... "By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son; blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies......

First, God swore on Himself, this promise. In other words, He said I tell you the truth, this is a fact, write it down and meditate on it, I do not lie. He told Abraham, since he was so faithful to do what He had told him to do, to sacrifice his only son, that He would increase his descendants. In other words you are a descendant of Abraham, you are like a grain of sand. So even as insignificant as you may feel about yourself, you feel like you are nothing more than a tiny grain of sand, but you are still counted in this promise. The promise being that you shall possess the gate of your enemy. In other words, any sickness, disease, sin that might be trying to attack you is an enemy, and the LORD says that you shall possess the gate of your enemy. In other words you have VICTORY over that enemy. AMEN!

Remember who you are. You are a child of God, which makes you a descendant of Abraham, which means that you have the promise that God told Abraham all the way back in the beginning that even his descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies.
So whatever is trying to come against you, It is an enemy. Remember God says, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. It might try to form, and it may even form, but GOD HIMSELF says, IT SHALL NOT PROSPER!! AMEN!

ISA 54 v 17...."No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from ME," says the LORD.....

That pretty much sums it up. Now you just have to receive that promise with faith, just like Abraham when God told him to sacrifice his only son. He knew GOD would provide the sacrifice and it would not be his son, because God had already promised him that from his son would come many nations of people. AMEN!

Quit trying to fight your enemy and KNOW that you have already won the battle. GOD HIMSELF SWORE IT TO YOU. AMEN!

RTB...Sun. 1 Tim 1-3
Mon...1 Tim 4-6
Tue...2 Tim 1-4
Wed...Ps. 1-5
Thur....PS 6-10
Fri...Ps 11-15
Sat....PS 16-20

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do You Support Your Pastor

There's a question for us. Do we support our Pastors? Well do we? When God told us to give our ten percent (the bare minimum) and then to give from our first fruits of (ALL) our increases, He was telling us to support our Pastors. Does your pastor have to work a second job just to make ends meet, or just to put food on his family's table? If so, then someone somewhere in that church is not getting the message from God.

Would you really want your Pastor going to a secular job everyday dealing with a bunch of junk that the world is trying to throw at him? Working with secular thinking people, lost people, people who gossip and tear down each other all day? What kind of message do you think you are going to get after he is filled up with that all week? Yes, he will do his best to stay in the word of God, to keep the word of God in front of him, but what if this job demands so much of his time, that his time with God is lacking? What was that? You say, he should prioritize and put God first, and spend time in the word? Is that what you do? Don't be so quick to say what he should be doing, if you yourself are not doing it. You say, but he is the pastor! That's right and you are the body of Christ that, the word says is suppose to be supporting him!

Would you take advantage of your best friend eating at his house everyday and never offering anything in return to help pay for the meals that you eat? Well, what do you think you are doing when you go to Jesus's house each week and get fed by HIM, through your pastor who HE annointed with HIS word to feed you? That's right, you are taking advantage. But you may say, well I didn't get anything out of that message today. Well, I say, did you pay for your food that day? You say the gospel is free to all. I say you are right, but GOD, HIMSELF, says you are to give a tenth of what you have. So don't get mad at me for telling you the truth. It is HIS word, I am just sharing it. (And by the way, this meal is free)

Luke 21 v 1-4....And He looked up and saw the rich putting in their gifts into the treasury. And He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, "Truly I say unto you, that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for GOD, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had".......

What did you sacrifice for GOD today, or this week? Did it really cost you anything when you gave?

2 Cor. 9 6-8.....But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you always having all sufficeincy in all things, may have an abundance for every good work....

Did you give to get back this week, or did you give believing that God would supply your every need, and keep you in abundance? Did you give cheerfully, and generously, or did you give out of necessity just to follow the law? What did you purpose in your heart this week to give to your LORD?

Matthew 6 v 21....For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also....

Jesus tells us that we are not to store up riches on this earth so that moths can eat and destroy, but to store up treasures in heaven, where nothing can destroy.

You might be saying this message took a turn into being all about giving. Well, you would be right. It takes all of us to support our pastors and the gospel of Christ. Remember, you are not just giving your money to a man who is running your church building and facilities. You are giving so that Jesus can get His message to others through His servants who are your Pastors.

Oh yeh, all that other stuff they do, like being on call 24/7 and coming to visit you in the hospitals, or sending forth people to bring you food, or sending missionaries out into the world to bring the gospel of Christ to a lost world, or having special programs for your teenagers to keep them in church and off the streets, or providing a nursery with caring people to take care of your babies and small ones while you are being fed the gospel, well all of that is free. That is just something your Pastor makes sure is getting done because He feels in his heart that JESUS has led him to this calling, so he is going to be an obedient servant to whatever it takes to make you comfortable, to feed you well, to provide a safe haven for your children. Well, you get the picture. Their job never ends. So when you get off at 5 oclock tomorrow, stop and think, "I wonder what my pastor is doing right now and does he need my help with something?"

By the way, have you at least prayed for your pastor today???

RTB....Sunday...Job 13-16
...MON...Job 17-21
.....Tue....Job 22-26
...Wed...Job 27-30
Thur....Job 31-34
Fri....Job 35-38

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Humble Beginnings

At some time in our lives we had to humble ourselves before God and ask for forgiveness of our sins, and except His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Some of us may have accepted Him as our Savior, but have yet to make Him Lord over our lives. To make Him Lord of our lives means we have to die to ourselves and live for Him and His will and not our own.

As we go through our Christian walks, some of us may fall off from time to time and have to get back into the word and get down on our knees and repent over again. In other words we have to humble ourselves unto the LORD. This is not a bad thing. This is a good thing, a cleansing thing, something that we all need to do now and again to refresh ourselves. It is like putting ourselves through the wash. We need to fast and cleanse ourselves not only spiritually but physically. Empty out ourselves, and fill up on God. It is like when winter time comes, you flush out your radiator and then you add the radiator fluid and start with a clean radiator and with a protectant fluid that will keep your radiator functioning properly. It will keep it from freezing up when the weather gets harsh and you need it the most.

That is like us, we need to stay cleaned out and full of God so that when times get rough, (and they will) we are strong and can get through without freezing up. We need to have the Holy Spirit in us refreshed so that we can pull that energy into ourselves and face whatever storms come our way.

This past week, God has been speaking to me about humbling myself before Him, and others, and losing some pride and arrogance that sometimes pulls me down the wrong road. While in the school of ministry I had a class on walking in love, and I have decided to do this study over again, and also one on being "under cover", this one is about being obedient and being planted in a good church and under the protective covering of a good pastor. I am excited about going down this road again, and I encourage everyone to join me.

If you are having difficult times in any area of your life, check your love walk, and check your covering, make sure you have not slipped out from under your protective covering.

This is a scripture that has hit home with me and one that everyone should take to heart and get it into their hearts. It is not an easy task but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can do it.

James 3 v 8-12....No man can tame the tongue.It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of GOD. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yeilds both salt water and fresh.......

It is true, when we mix salt water with fresh water, we have salt water as an end result. The same is true, if we leave a bad fruit in a bushel with good fruit, we will end up with a bushel full of rotten fruit.

It is the same with our lives. We can not go to church on Sundays, and then go to work and gossip about others through out the week. You have one or the other. Is your water fresh all week long, or has it turned to salt water by the end of the week? What kind of fruit are you producing, good fruit, or have you put something in your basket that has spoiled what started out as good?

Maybe we just all need to go back to our humble beginnings, and start fresh. AMEN!

Mon....Ester 1-3
Wed..Ester 7-10
Thur...Job 1-4
Fri...Job 5-8
Sat...Job 9-12

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We are highly favored children of GOD. We are new creations in Christ Jesus. We are the ones HE calls righteous, and blessed. We are heirs with Christ Jesus in the kingdom of the FATHER.

Are you revved up now? Do you remember who you are now? Are you feeling sorry for yourself, are you feeling down in the dumps, are you feeling like you are just beat up? STOP, and remember who you are. YOU ARE HIS! AMEN!

Is the enemy attacking you? Are you fighting the devil over something? Quit fighting, you have already won the VICTORY. AMEN!

We have been reading the bible through and for those of you who have been following along, you know that we are now in Ezra. Well, somewhere I got off and back into Colossians today. Man did I need the scripture I read today. What a revelation of who I am in Christ, and how I am suppose to behave. God has a sense of humor. I kept thinking, somehow I just don't think we are suppose to be in Col. but I read it anyway. (I guess God knew I didn't get it the first time) HA!

Col. 3 v 12-17....Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the LORD JESUS, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.....

OH MY GOSH! Where was I when I read that a little while ago? I was waddling in my pity, feeling sorry for myself, and letting pain take my body over. Then God decided enough is enough and lead me right back to this scripture.

Do you have peace in your hearts? Have you forgiven those who persecute you? Are you singing songs and leaping for joy when you are being persecuted? The word says we are being blessed when others persecute us. And then we are told here, to give thanks in all things. And when we speak to others, are we speaking as if we are speaking to Christ Jesus Himself, are we treating others (and that means our enemies) as we would treat the LORD JESUS?

All I can say is thank you LORD for reminding me who I am and Who I belong to. AMEN.

RTB....Ezra 7-10...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good Seeds Or Weeds

What kind of seeds have been sown into your life? Are they seeds that have produced good fruit or seeds that just sprung up weeds?

Think about it for a minute. Are you constantly making negative remarks, do you gossip at every chance you get, do you ridicule and criticize others, do you have a problem with your finances?

We could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Where did these habits or attitudes come from? Well, they are seeds that were sown into your life somewhere down the road, and you let them take root instead of casting them out before they could take hold. You see, when someone sows a negative type seed, (a weed) into your hearing, you must immediately rebuke it, and cast it away so that it can not even get a little bit of a root established into your heart. It is always easier to pull the little blades of grass out of the flower bed each day instead of waiting until it gets roots and spreads among the entire bed of flowers.

Are you loving, and kind, and compassionate toward others? Do you give willingly and generously, and cheerfully? Do you walk in love toward your neighbor and are always willing to help in their time of need? (Neighbor, being anyone you see in need) Where did those habits come from?

Maybe you grew up in a bitter hard world, but then later you were introduced to our LORD and Savior Jesus. Now you have been born again into a new way of living, thinking, behaving. You see, when we come to know Jesus as our personal Savior, we are changed, we have a new mind in Christ, the old man has passed away and the new man takes over. HALLELUJAH! Don't you just love knowing that we do not have to stay that negative, bitter, hateful, person, but that we can walk in love, and have joy and peace in our lives?

If you want to shed a ton of weight that you feel is dragging you down. Just change your attitude to that of one that is loving and kind, and giving. You will feel a lightness in your heart like you have never felt before. Pray this prayer each day, "Lord Jesus, please forgive me where I have failed you, and Lord, please help me to be the best Christian I can be today. Help me to walk in love toward everyone, and to be kind and generous to all. Let my every thought line up with Your thoughts, and my every action reflect Your spirit and not my own flesh. Lord, let me love everyone with the same love You have for us. Help me to be more like you Jesus. AMEN!"

James 1 v 21....therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls....

James 1 v 26-27...If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his own tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world...

Don't get caught up in being religious. Be a true Christian, a follower of Christ, an imitator of Christ Jesus, Himself. Strive each day to be more like Him and watch your life turn around.
Be filled with the joy of Christ, and receive that peace that passes all understanding. AMEN!

RTB....2 Chronicles

Don't Give Up

Don't give up or give in, your fruit is on the way. Do you ever feel like you are constantly giving and doing and things still just don't seem to go your way? Hey, maybe that is the key, (your way), maybe we should be looking for God's way instead of our own way.

God wants us to be loving toward each other more than anything else. Why? Because if we love each other we will just naturally be diligent in all His other ways of doing things, seeing things, in how we treat people, how we settle differences. Just be loving and kind to each other and God's way will always prevail. And then the fruits of your labor will show and prove to be abundant.

Don't let that nagging little voice tell you that what you do is in vain. When you are working for the Kingdom, what you do is never in vain. God's says He will bless your works and He is not a man that He should lie. So who are you going to believe, that nagging voice in your head or that big Spirit in your heart?

2 Pet. 1 v 5-11....But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue, knowledge, to knowledge, self control, to self control, perserverance, to perserverance, godliness, to godliness, brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness, love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even unto blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST......

Remember we are blessed people of God, we are His children and have a right to His banquet table of blessings. Feed on the good of the land, it belongs to you. No one can take that away from you unless you allow it. Be faithful, be virtuous, be persevering, be kind, and in all your ways be loving one to another, and your banquet table of blessings will always be overflowing. AMEN.

Is. 1v 19... If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land....

Hang in there, God loves you more than all the troubles you try to take on. Cast your cares upon Him, and come and sit next to Him at the banquet table He has prepared for you. Rest in His peace, fill up on the blessings and then relax in His arms. That is how life with God is suppose to be. We are the ones who try to make it difficult. He says we will find rest in Him. AMEN!

RTB...2 Chronicles

Monday, June 29, 2009

Can't Take Anymore????

Do you ever feel like you are at your wits end, like you just can not take anymore? Pastor was talking on this subject Sunday, and I thought yeh, I have felt like that alot lately. Well, make sure you recognize the enemy for who he is and do not let him steal your joy, your resources, or worse your blessings.

Have you given your all in whatever it is that makes you feel this way? What sacrifices have you made to overcome this feeling of being overwhelmed? I just thought I had it bad, with all of my complaining and feeling like I just couldn't take another day of this turmoil, then I listened to the message Pastor had for us Sunday, and a light bulb went off, as to who I was dealing with and why he was trying to get me to quit and give up. It was because of all the good I am doing for the Kingdom with the money I make. The devil can't stand it because I give out of my abundance into the Kingdom to help spread the good news. What do you do with your abundant blessings? Is the devil trying to get you to throw in the towel and quit? Don't Do It!!

Maybe you may have a health issue problem, or some other problem that doesn't have anything to do with finances. Well, don't give up. Instead do like Pastor told us Sunday. 1.) Pray your problem out, 2.) Rest in the promises of God and what He says about your problems, 3) Seek the wisdom of God and godly council of others who can help you.

Ps 61 vs 1-4....Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings. Selah........

Pretty much says it all. I am so glad that I was paying attention Sunday to the message God gave to our Pastor to give to us.

Remember, like my friend Linda told me once. No weapon formed against me will prosper. The word doesn't say that no weapon will form, it says, no weapon will prosper. Stand up and fight for your rights as a child of God, and use the word of God as your weapon. No weapon has ever been made or ever will be made that can stand against the word of God.

Is 54 v 17...."No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me," says the LORD......

Prov. 4 v 7...Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding....

So when you are feeling overwhelmed, think on this. How overwhelmed did your LORD and Savior Jesus feel when He hung on that cross for all your iniquities, your chastisements, your sins. When He said "it is finished". He meant it. He wasn't just wasting His last breath.

He defeated the enemy and everything that the enemy tries to throw at you, Jesus has already conquered that battle for you. All you need to do is accept your Victory through Christ Jesus, and cast your cares on to Him. He has you covered. AMEN!

RTB...we finished 1 Chron, then went on to Col. and now we are in 2 Chron. 1-3

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father Knows Best

Do you remember that TV show? I may be aging myself here, but that is ok. That was one of the good shows your kids could watch without violence or sex or drugs. The title reminds me that our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. Oh, sure sometimes we think we know what is best, but if we would first seek Him and His word, we would truly see what is in our best interest.

Do you have a problem you are dealing with? Are you having troubles with your finances, your health, your relationships? Look to the word and see what your Father has to say about it. My earthly father has gone home to be with the LORD, so I do not have him to go to any longer, of course I have my father in law, who is wonderful and wise in many things, but still my Heavenly Father knows what is best for me.

We have a day every year we celebrate our earthly fathers. Why not have a special time each day for your heavenly Father? If we would seek His wisdom first thing every morning, before we do anything, before we make any decisions, we would have a much more productive day I am sure.

Matthew 6 v 31-33....Therefore do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat? or What shall we we drink, or What shall we wear? For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.....

James 1 v 5....If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, (Your Heavenly Father) who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.....

Prov. 2 v 1-6....My son, if you receive My words, and treasure My commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Yes if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.......

Go to your heavenly Father and ask Him for some advice, and I promise He will not steer you wrong.

RTB....1 Chron. 19-21...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beat The Devil With The Word

You do not have to be defeated in any area of your life. Things may look like there is no way out, but remember there is a way out and it is through the word of God. If you will take the word and shout it back at the devil everytime he tries to tell you something different than what God says, you will beat him. Remember everytime he (the devil) tried to convince Jesus of something, Jesus told him it is written. You have that same authority in you. God's word hasn't changed. It is the same as it was for Jesus. His word still has authority. The authority is not coming from the person using the word, the authority comes from the word. Put the devil on the run out of your life by speaking the word of God over your problem. Quit repeating what the enemy says and start speaking what the word of God says.

I heard someone make a comment about with the economy the way it is, that people will stop tithing, and that new laws may come about where people can not claim their tithes on their income taxes. Listen up Christians. You can not afford to quit tithing. You claiming your tithes on your income taxes is not what is blessing you. Remember where the blessings flow from. And if all you are worried about is a tax write off with your tithing, then you are doing yourself more harm than good anyway. The word says give with a cheerful, generous heart. Not with a mind of what can I get back. Our God is not so limited that He can only bless us through income tax returns. HELLO!!

Isaiah 55 v 11....So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it....

What does God say? He says, His word shall prosper and it shall not be void. So go ahead speak His word over your problems, and send that devil packing. Tell Him, "It is Written"....

RTB ....1 Chron 16-18

Monday, June 22, 2009

From Where Do The Blessings Flow

How many of us know that our blessings come from God? Someone may give you something and you might say, thank you, this is really a blessing for me. You do not know how badly I needed this right now. It may be a word from God, it may be some money, it may be some food, etc. But where did the blessing come from? Who do you give thanks to for the blessing you received?

Yes, of course we thank the person who delivered it. But that is just it, they are the delivery person. They are not the blessing giver. Just like, the delivery guy brings your pizza, but he doesn't own the company, and he may have not even had a hand in making the pizza, but he was chosen to deliver that particular pizza.

The same with God. He can send messengers in all shapes and sizes, in all sorts of different personalities, in any kind of vessel, but the blessing still comes from Him. Sometimes we tend to give to much credit to the delivery person. Where do you think they got the blessing to give to you? That's right, from GOD.

This message was prompted by a pop up ad that came up while I was checking my emails. There was a woman holding a check and she was saying "Google blessed me with a job". It may me stop and wonder, do we know and acknowledge from where our blessings flow?

Like when you give to different missions, or to send a youth to camp, the Lord enabled you to do so. He gave you the means to get the money to give to support whatever cause. Yes, you will be blessed for blessing others. We bless others with our abundance of overflow, but the blessings come from God.

Be thankful in all things, but in all things give praise and thanksgiving to your LORD. AMEN. Because all things that are good are from the LORD.

PS 100 .....Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations......

We are not self made. There is no such thing as a self made millionaire. God gives and He takes away. We don't like that second part but, He knows when to withdraw from us, that which will cause us to stumble and fall.

I onced worked for a man, who proclaimed to be a self made millionaire. He went from writing hot checks to buy groceries to feed his kids to having his own multi million dollar company. He also turned away from God and started living like the world, and getting caught up in wordly things. It wasn't long he lost everything. God will not give us more than we can handle. That verse goes for our worldly goods as well. If we are not using the little we have wisely to grow His kingdom, why would He give us more?

Remember everything belongs to GOD. AMEN!

RTB...1 Chron. 13-15

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Do You Explain

How do you explain to someone why you believe what you believe? Or how do you explain to the unbelievers what a wonderful life you have since becoming a Christian? Or do you even have to open your mouths? Do they even have to ask you what is different since you became a Christian?

In my case, I do not have to open my mouth to those who knew me before. They can see the change in me, and see how much better my life is with the LORD in it. Now for those, who did not know the old me, they may have to ask sometimes. And for that I am ashamed. But I do the best that I can and try to stay on course with my daily walk with the LORD.

My biggest struggle as I am sure is for the rest of you as well, is not being goaded into defending myself, or my faith. We should be able to walk around with our heads held high, not in a haughty attitude but in a joyful atttitude, knowing that our God will supply all of our needs, and He will take care of our problems that try to bring us down.

Do we live what we preach? I am ashamed again to say not always. There are times that I could have been in the house of God worshiping with other believers giving Him praise, and I chose to stay home or go somewhere and do what I wanted to do instead.

We are not perfect, but we do need to show change. We do need to be able to explain our Christian Hope without even having to say a word. We do need to live our lives so that others will want what we have. Joy and Hope in Christ.

How do you explain? Have you made any changes? If we were all thrown into a room and no one could say a word, and we were to be divided up into two teams, one the Christian side, and the other side, the ones who do not know Jesus yet. Just by how people see you behave everyday at work or at school, which side would you be chosen for? Or better yet, if God didn't choose you because you prayed the sinner's prayer, but because you gave your life to Jesus and made Him LORD of your life. If He had to choose you by your actions, and the way you live your everyday life, (not just your going to church on Sunday, there are 6 more days in a week) would He have a clear enough picture of you to be able to choose you to be on His Son's side? Or would your actions cause doubt? Could your co-workers or your classmates tell for sure which side you were going to be chosen for if you could not speak?

1 Pet. 3 v 13-17.....And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? but even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed. and do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled. But sanctify the LORD GOD in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God to suffer for doing good than for doing evil......

So, I ask you again, do the people around you everyday see Christ in you, or do they just see your flesh? Do they see the hope and joy of your salvation showing through? What do they see? Whose side would they believe you to be on?

RTB...2 Kings 4-6
We need to catch up
We are in 1 Chron 1-3

Monday, June 8, 2009

Apple Of His Eye

Sunday, our Pastor made a comment about us being the apple of God's eye, and the apple being the pupil of His eye. Now if that doesn't tell you how big our GOD is, then think about this, if all of us are the apple, His pupil would have to be the size of the earth. AWESOME!

Anyway, back to the message. When we are confronted by someone who is trying to harm us in some way, either by stealing our Joy, or physical harm to our bodies, or just mental damage with their noisy words, then it is the same as them putting their finger in God's eye. WHOA! You better just get on out of the way and let God take care of your little problem, because I am sure He does not appreciate their finger in His eye. HELLO!!

What would you do, if someone was trying to harm your child? Well, being a highly favored child of GOD, just think how much better God can take care of the problem. So quit fretting over people who give you a hard time, and just know that they are sticking their fingers where they will regret it.

Zechariah 2 v 8....For thus says the LORD of hosts: "He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye."

1 John 5 v 4-5...For whatever is born of God, overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. Who is he that overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God......

We have already won the victory of our enemies, our oppressors, our contenders. He who is in us, has given us the victory without us having to even fight the battle. AMEN!!!

RTB.....Tue. 2 Kings 1-3

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Keep Living

WOW, what a message I received from the LORD this week while listening to the message He gave our Pastor to give to us. It was like I had my own personal revival going on with the LORD Sunday. I was fired up. Now, I am going to try to give it to you like I received it from HIM.

Pastor was talking about having hope. We as Christians always have hope, no matter what the circumstances. Now some of us, may mope around like Eyore (the donkey on Pooh) and always see the bad, but if we would pick up our heads and hold them high as we should, being highly favored children of GOD, then we would begin to see our HOPE. Remember our Hope is JESUS, and He is not under our feet, so pick those heads up and start rejoicing in Him.

The message I received from this was LIVING, and LIVING Life to the FULLEST!! STOP listening to the bad reports the world is trying to give you, STOP looking at the economy with hopeless thoughts. WE HAVE HOPE!! OUR STRENGTH COMES FROM OUR JOY IN THE LORD!!

Jeremiah 29 v 5-6....Build houses and dwell in them, plant gardens and eat their fruit. Take wives and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, so that they may bear sons and daughters, that you may be increased there, and not diminished......

HALLELUJAH!! He is telling you, DON"T STOP living just because the world says so. GOD put you here to be faithful and multiply. Look forward to your family growing, look forward to your grandchildren. Look forward to planting your gardens and watching them grow to their fullest. God says He is our HOPE.

Jer. 29 v 11-13....For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to ME, and I will listen to you, and you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.........

Don't shut down, because of some reports of bad economy, or bad doctor's reports. Don't throw in the towel because the world says so. GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE. HE IS STILL IN CONTROL. HE IS STILL THE GREAT I AM.

Neh. 8 v 10b....Do not sorrow, for the Joy of the LORD is your strength....

Jer. 17 v 5...Thus says the LORD, "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD....

Jer. 17 v 7-8...."Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose HOPE is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but the leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yeilding fruit....

GLORY TO GOD! Did you get that? You will not be affected by the so called bad economy, when your HOPE is in HIM, you will survive the heat of whatever frying pan the enemy tries to throw you in. Whether it is in your health, your finances, your relationships. It doesn't matter if your HOPE is in HIM and not in yourself. AMEN!

Whoooo! I hope all of you are now having the same revival I had with the LORD after reading this. I believe I about to have another revival.

Keep praying and don't lose HOPE!!!

RTB....Mon. Ephe. 4-6

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Don't Be Too Hard

Yesterday we talked about Solomon and his wives and concubines, and how his heart was turned away from God by his wives, and how could he who God had appeared to twice already, turn his back on God. Well, don't be too judgmental on Solomon.

Remember when I said, I was giving you hindsight so that you do not make the same mistakes Solomon made. Well, we have hindsight in so many areas of how we are to live our lives, more so than just that of Solomon. And yet how many times do we not behave as we should.

For instance look at all the healings that take place in the bible, look how many times Jesus tells us that He has already died for our disease, and how many times he tells us we are free from our sins. But yet, let someone of this world tell you something different and you automatically believe them instead of the word of God, Himself. GO FIGURE!!

Or how many times does God tell us not to gossip, or curse, or be in an unorderly fashion, (drunk), yet we can't wait to tell the little bit of scoop we just got on someone to another?

Or here is a good one, how many times in the word of God does the LORD tell you to abstain from sex unless you are married to that person, but yet we think it is ok to live with someone before we are married, or to sleep with whomever because we are of a responsible age. Well, maybe that word responsible was a little too loose. Responsible and sleeping around don't work together, they are opposites.

The best one of all, is the one where we walk in love toward everyone, including our enemies. I mean God shows us what can happen to those who do not forgive, who harbor hate for their brothers, (not your relative). He says, you are a liar, if you say you love Him, but have hate in your heart toward your brother.

If things are going bad for you, look into the word and see some of this hindsight we have been given, and see what happens to those who disobey the LORD GOD, and then maybe you can figure out what you need to correct in your own life.

Hey, and how about all the blessings he pours out on those who tithe like they are suppose to, yet there are some who are still holding on to that 10% so they can pay a bill, or buy something they want instead of giving it BACK to the LORD. Remember it was His to start with.

Anyway the point being, before we go getting all judgmental on Solomon, we better clean up our own hearts and closets as well. AMEN!

I am not judging anyone here, for I have at some time in my past and present been guilty of all these things, but I know I am forgiven and I have turned from those ways. And that is the great thing about the LOVE the LORD JESUS has for you and me, is that when we turn from our old ways, and put on the new man in Christ we are forgiven, and we can move forward in that love walk toward others and everything else will fall into place. AMEN!

Today's reading for this message is too long to type it all out, but rather I would love for each of you to read for yourselves. Starting in Ephes. 4 v 17 and read through Ephes. 5 to verse 21.

Love you all and may God bless each of you with your heart's desires today.

RTB...1 Kings 13-15

Frid. 1 Kings 16-18
Sat...1 Kings 19-22
Sun...Ephes. 1-3

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where Is The Wisdom

A lesson for the men in our lives.

As we are reading in 1 Kings about King Solomon and all his wisdom, we marvel at how much wisdom he had. God gave him plenty of wisdom. But then we still have our free will. And that is where Solomon gets into trouble.

You see Solomon had a thing for the ladies. We read where he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines. Now, I don't know about you, but if my husband had just one concubine I would be in a tizzy. Much less if he had other wives as well, and princesses on the side. I mean really, where was the wisdom the LORD gave this man?

Any way, his wives got upset with him, and they started persuading him to worship other gods. Now that tells you the power of women over men. The same with Adam and Eve. I mean God tells man one thing, and who do they listen to, but the women in their lives, and end up on the opposite end of God. This is why the word tells us to not be unequally yoked. In other words, we need to be married with the same faith. These women, Solomon hooked up with and married were women God had told him to stay away from and not to intermarry.

2 Cor. 6 v 14....Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?.....

1 Kings 11 v 1-2....But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharoah; women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites, from the nations of whom the LORD had said to the children of Israel, "You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods." Solomon clung to these in love......

Now another point here, is that the LORD GOD appeared to Solomon twice. Not once, but twice!! I don't know, but I feel pretty sure that if God had appeared to me and told me not to do something, or to do something, I would have to say, I would probably obey Him. I mean this is God we are talking about. I ask you again, where is the wisdom God gave him? What is wrong with him? I mean what woman is worth losing your relationship with the LORD over? There is none. I mean pay attention men, I am showing you some hindsight here in the word of GOD. Please learn from Solomon's mistakes.

Don't let lust fill your heart, but instead fill your heart with the LOVE for your LORD, then your wives or the women in your lives will follow suit. You are the heads of the households, God did give you dominion over women. And women, let your husband be the head, and quit trying to be in control. Let them have the reigns and drive for a while. Take a rest. You probably deserve it.

God had a plan when He created us, and His plan for us was to become one with each other. We can only do that if we are equally yoked together in the same faith. In other words, only if we are both in the word of God and living our lives to please Him, and then we will please each other. AMEN!

Read Chapter 11 in 1 Kings and see the scriptures that tell you about Solomon and his wives, and the way they turned his heart away from God, and to their gods and idols.

RTB.....1 Kings 10-12

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are You Ready

When you are faced with a sickness, and the doctor tells you it is fatal, do you start immediately thinking, Oh Lord, you are ready for me to come home? Well, stop it, I read in my devotional once how if God had His way, He would not call you home until you are ready.

Have you ever seen or read stories of how when the American Indian gets ready to die, (usually when they are so old they can not go another step) they say it is a good day to die. They prepare themselves for their transition into the next world. (Hopefully that next world being heaven).

We should be the same way, we should never even entertain the thought of death until we are ready to go home to be with the LORD. Now some of you are thinking, I am ready right now to go be with the LORD, well, that is very admirable of you, but are you really? Say you are someone who just got married, and you have your lives ahead of you, planning a family, do you think God wants you to give up on that because some doctor tells you, you are dying? I don't think so.

I am not saying that we as Christians have not given our hearts to the LORD completely that when our time does come, we will willingly go. But, what if it is not really our time? What if, we just threw in the towel and gave up because of some report? Some lie of the devil that was fed to us. Satan is crafty. He will try his best to put doubts in your mind, so that you then get them into your heart. DON"T LISTEN TO HIM!!! When he tells you that you do not have the strength to fight, say, I have the strength of the LORD in me, and He has already won this battle. When he tries to tell you it is your time, and you are still young in your heart, tell him, I know the plans the LORD has for me, and they do not include premature death. HALLELUJAH!!

Remember who you are in CHRIST!

2 Tim 4 v 6-7....For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.....

Paul was ready.

PS 91 v 14-16....Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation....

God says when you set you love upon Him, He will satisfy you with long life. AMEN!

JOB 5 v 26-27....You shall come to the grave at a full age, as a sheaf of grain ripens in its season. Behold, this we have searched out; it is true. Hear it, and know for yourself.....

Job was whining and wanting to die, and it was not yet his time, and God got angry with him and was chastising him for his thoughts.

Deut. 34 v 7...Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.....

Moses, like the old Indian Chief, went on over to the mountain and was ready to die and prepared his heart.

Go ahead, plan a long and fulfilled life of joy and happiness, with an abundance of blessings from the LORD. He wants you to.

RTB.....1 Kings 7-9....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Don't Lose Hope

Sometimes, do you feel like crying out, God where are you? Hello! God! I am still here waiting for you. I can't hear youuuuuuu! Well, it is not because God is not there, it is usually because you are trying to take care of your problems yourself, instead of turning them over to Him. We are all guilty of this at some time or another in our lives, we face a big problem, and think Oh Lord, you better sit this one out, I am going to have to worry over this one to get it right.

How fickle we are. One minute, we say we trust in the Lord with all our hearts and we lean not on our own understanding but in all things we seek Him first. LIAR! That is what we are. Sure sometimes we may give it to God when we can see the outcome before our eyes, but it is those times when we can not see the outcome that our faith falters and we start wringing our hands and trying to reason things out, instead of going to Him in prayer with our petitions.

Or how about when we are really having a hard time with someone, and we just can't seem to walk in love toward that person. Well, there we go again, thinking everything has to be rosey all the time, and this person is upsetting our apple cart. I bet Jesus didn't have anyone upsetting His apple cart. Yeh right!

Jesus dealt with these problems and even more so that we do, because He never gave up on someone, He continually walked in love toward everyone, and He always seeked the Father's will instead of His own.

That is where most of miss the boat, we are seeking our will instead of His.
Remember we reap what we sow, and if we are having the same problems in our lives over and over, then maybe we need to check our love walk, or our time spent in the word. Remember, we are what we feed ourselves. If we continue to feed ourselves junk, like dirty novels, soap operas, reality tv shows, court tv, secular music, then that is what we become. On the other hand if we feed on God's word, and walk in His ways, then we will have a much easier time when it comes to trusting in Him to take care of us and our problems. Don't give up. Your blessing is just around the corner.

Galatians 6 v 7-9....Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.......

Keep up the good work!

RTB 1 Kings 4-6.....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Right Or Wrong Or Just Different

We have all at some time in our Christian lives been questioned as to why we do this or that, or show me where that is in the Bible, I am sure. Well, sometimes things are not so cut and dry to whether something is right or wrong, it is just different.

Like why do some religions not dance, nor some have no musical instruments, or some kneel to pray, while others do not. Just because someone does something different in their church does not neccesarily make it right or wrong, it is most likely just that particular church's doctrine.
And remember man made doctrine, it is not always in the bible that way.

While reading in 2 Samuel about David becoming excited over the ark of the Lord being brought back to his city, we see he started dancing and whirling around, and the house of Israel started playing all types of instruments worshiping the LORD. So for some to say, dancing or musical instruments is wrong, is incorrect, that is just their preference.

You see some believe that when you listen to the music you are more intuned to the musical instrument that you are carried away by its music and not so intuned to your worship to the LORD. I can easily see that. I mean we change the music to keep up with the times, so that the young people do not get bored, but then we have to keep the old songs, so that the elders do not get too disturbed, my question is, what are you listening to anyway, the words being sung unto the LORD, or the music and the way it is presented? Do you see now, why some believe you should keep the instruments out of the equation?

The same with dancing. Some dance with the Spirit and some dance with the flesh leading them. Some dance to the beat of a drum, and some dance to the urging of the Spirit. Which is right or wrong? Who is to judge where either one's heart is in their worship to the LORD?

You keep reading in 2 Samuel and you see where David's wife was embarassed by his actions of dancing. And she got angry with him. But the LORD knew where David's heart was and that he was in true worship with his dancing. The LORD said of David, that he was a man after his own heart.
David reminded her that the LORD had chosen him as king, and that he would gladly humble himself and become undignified in his own sight if it was pleasing unto the LORD.

God became angry with Michal for judging David, and for being ashamed of his worship to Him. He struck her to be barron all of her days.

So you see the lesson to be learned here is not to be so judgmental of others ways of worship just because they are different than your own. How do you know that the LORD is not saying of them also, that they are a person after His own heart?

2 Sam. 6 v 5...Then David and all the house of Israel played music before the LORD on all kinds of instruments of fir wood, on harps, on stringed instruments, on tamborines, on sistrums and on cymbals.....

2 Sam. 6 v 16.....Now as the ark of the LORD came into the City of David, Michale, Saul's daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the LORD: and she despised him in her heart....

2 Sam. 6 v 21-22a....So David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over all the people of the LORD, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the LORD, And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight......

2 Sam. 6 v 23....Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death....

1 Sam 13 v 14....But now your kingdom shall not continue. The LORD has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD, commanded you....

Are you more concerned with your dignity or what others may think of your way of worship, or are you more concerned about pleasing the LORD with your worship unto Him?

RTB....2 Sam. 16-18...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

All Promises Are Yes And Amen

All the promises of GOD are yes and amen in Him. Him, being Jesus. So no matter what you are dealing with, God has already made you a promise through Jesus His Son, of Yes and Amen.

Are you dealing with health issues. Well, let's see what the word says about that.

Isaiah 53 v 5...But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.....

Are you dealing with questioning your salvation?

Isaiah 55 v 3.....Incline your ear, and come to Me, Hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you....

Are you dealing with poverty, lack of something?

2 Cor. 8 v 9....For you know the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich....

Do you need strength to face a trial?

Ephes. 3 v 16...that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man....

Do you need wisdom in making an important decision?

James 1 v 5....If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.....

2 Cor. 1 v 20-22...For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.....

No matter what your need may be, God has already made you a promise of Yes and Amen.
The question is do you have the faith to believe and receive?

RTB...2 COR 7-9...

Monday, May 18, 2009

For What Purpose

Most of us have all read the book or did a bible study with the book by Rick Warren, "Purpose Driven Life". If you haven't, you should read it. Last week, we talked about being on purpose with our giving. And not just our giving of our tithes and offerings, but our giving of ourselves and our attitudes toward others.

But now, let's talk about for what purpose did God create you? Have you found your purpose. He knows what it is, but do you know yet? Most of you are probably already doing your purpose everyday and do not even realize it. Just like me, with this ministry of the tid-bits. I was always praying, LORD, just tell me what it is I can do for you and your kingdom, and the whole while I was already doing it.

We had a guest speaker Sunday at church and He was talking about "Order and Purpose". He was saying how even in the beginning when God created the stars, and the moon and the sun and the earth, how each one serves a purpose in our solar system, but how they each also have their own individual purpose. Then how He created horses, and how many different types of horses there are, and how each one has a specific purpose, like running a race, pulling a wagon, herding cattle, etc. If God gave these things a purpose, then how much more so, did He give you purpose and order.

Sometimes, some of us may find our purpose but be out of order with it. In other words, we may know what our purpose is, but we can't seem to make it fit in our order of doing things. Well, number one that is where we go wrong. Trying to fit God's purpose in our lives, into our way of doing things, and making it easy for ourselves without any sacrifice. There will always be some sacrifice with working for the kingdom. We will have to give up something to do His will and not our own will. No, we are not all going to be matyrs, but we usually do give up time to do our work, or maybe even some friendships that do not always line up with what the LORD has in mind for us.

For instance, when I decided to follow the LORD, some of the friendships I was keeping in my old days, had to be dissolved. Not because they were bad people, but because they were not going to change their lifestyles and my new lifestyle and theirs did not work together. So we eventually just drift apart. That is not to say, that I do not still love those people and pray for those people, I just do not hang out in the same places with those people any longer.

It is sort of like, the earth is not going to move right up next to the sun because it would be out of order, and then there are consequences for being out of order. For one, we would all melt, or explode or something. At any rate, the earth is going to do just as the LORD created it to do. There are no surprises for Him. He knows just what you are going to do, just like He knows just that the earth is going to rotate on its axis and spin and revolve around the sun. That is how we have day and night.

My prayer for each of you today, is that you would get quiet and still long enough with the LORD to find your purpose and put it in order with the LORD's will for you in your life. AMEN!

Jeremiah 1 v 5...."Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah1 v 9-10....Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms. To root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.".....

You see, the LORD knows what He is doing, we just need to remember to shut our mouths and listen to what He is saying we can do. Sometimes, our mouths keep us from achieving God's purpose in our lives.

RTB....2 COR. 4-6

Thursday, May 14, 2009

On Purpose

The word says when we give we should purpose in our hearts what we will give. That means we do it on purpose, not because we have to, or not by accident. We purpose it in our heart to do.

2 Cor. 9 v 6-15...But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudingly or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: "He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever." Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God, while through the proof of this ministry, they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal sharing with them and all men, and by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!......

That seems like a lot of scripture for that one sentence, but it really says it all. You see, I am not talking about just giving monetary value, and Him multiplying your finances. I am talking about what you give to others, in your personality, and the way you treat others. How you deal with those who are hard to deal with. How you share the love of Christ through your actions toward those that you may not feel deserve love at all!! You see, we have to keep our focus on God, and what His word says, and we have to act and behave toward others, as Jesus would. And it all comes back to 1 Cor. 13 about walking in LOVE.

If we treat others nasty because they treat us ugly, what will we reap from that? Well, you are not going to get oranges, if you plant apple seeds are you? So, if you sow meaness, then meaness will be multiplied back at you. If someone treats you unfairly, and you respond with unfairness, how much unfairness then do you think you will reap? Scary picture.

Everyone always thinks about money and blessings when they read that scripture, but I believe, God is trying to tell us, that we need to sow LOVE in every action we take. And the action we take is what He says we have purposed in our hearts already.

Remember when you were taught as a child to STOP, DROP and ROLL if you were to catch on fire?

Well, I think we need to STOP, BOW, AND PRAY before we REACT. AMEN!

RTB....1 SAM 22-24...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Well Do You Hear

How well do you hear the voice of the LORD? Can you hear Him when He is trying to give you direction in your life? Or are you so intuned to the world's ways that you can not even hear the Lord when He speaks to you?

I know sometimes, I feel like, Lord, I just can't hear Your voice. What is it that I am suppose to do? And that is usually when I have been away from worshiping Him and not getting into His word daily.

We should stay in a manner of worship with Him daily, and into His word daily, so that when He tells us to do something, we know it is Him, and we don't miss the boat. How many people have missed out on their blessings because they were so caught up in the world and the world's activities, that they could not hear Him when He tried to give them direction?

We have probably all at some time or another missed that boat. But the good news is, you do not have to stay stranded where you are. You can catch the next boat, if you will just line up your thoughts with His thoughts, and your ways with His ways. AMEN! Be attentive to His voice.

Isa 55 v 3....Incline your ear; and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you.....

Today, while at work we were experiencing some power outages. My co-workers and I were taking the elevator up to the 5th floor, when the buttons did not seem to want to register where we were going. Everyone started getting panicky and I said it is allright we have someone else in here with us. My friend said, yeh the Lord is with us. I said that's right. We continued on our way, then when we got to the 4th floor, the lights flicked off just as the door opened and the elevator jumped, I said everyone off, and my friend started laughing and said, yeh you just got through saying we had someone here with us, she said and you were the first one off. I said that's right, I am intuned with my Lord's voice, and He said GET OFF NOW! Being the obedient servant that I am, I was getting off and taking the stairs. AMEN!

Clean out your ears, so you can hear what He is saying to you today.

RTB....1 SAM 19-21

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Artist's Eye

If you were having your portrait painted, what would the artist see? Would they see the real you? If the artist wanted to look into your heart and paint what He saw, would it be different from what He sees on the outside?

When we look at people what do we see? Do we see the real person or just the person they want us to see? What is your first thought when you see a scraggly bearded, dirty torn clothes, person? Do you want to turn your head real quick like and hope He doesn't notice you, so that He won't ask you for anything?

I wonder how many times we have turned our heads away from Jesus? You see Jesus, says, when you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me.

Matt. 25 v 40....and the King (Jesus) will answer and say to them, "Assuredly , I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me"...

Matt. 25 v 45...Then He will answer them, saying, "Assuredly, I say to you, in as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me."......

If you were going to paint your co-worker's portrait, how would you paint them? Would you paint them as this beautiful person who is always willling to help anyone who needs help, regardless if that is their job duty that day or not? Or would paint a mean spirited face, that never has a nice word to say? Well, what if the beautiful person you painted, was someone who was abusive to their family members, or the mean spirited person was dealing with a hard relationship or terminal illness?

You see my point is we are only shown on the outside what that person wants us to see. So before you pick up your paint brush, take some time to listen to that person, and get to know that person a little better, or else we may be painting the wrong picture. When we gossip about another person we are painting a picture of that person to the one we are talking to. Are we sure we are painting the right picture? Have we got the lighting right? Have we checked the light in that person, by looking into their heart? Or are we just painting a surface picture?

We could all read 1 Cor. 13 over and over again. I have to be honest and say, I do not obey those scriptures all the time. But my goal is to try to get it right.

If you had to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Mine would be to not be so much like a chamellion, I change with the people I am surrounded by. Like a chamellion changes his colors, I change my attitude sometimes. I pick up the attitude of who is around me and that is not always a good thing. I begin to act out of my flesh instead of letting what is in my heart come out. I am a work in progress, and will be until I go home to be with the LORD.

1 Cor. 13 v 4-8a....Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..........

What sort of picture is the Artist painting of you?
The Artist being, Jesus!

RTB....1 Sam. 16-18

Monday, May 11, 2009


What do you meditate on the most? You know what we meditate on the most is what is foremost in our hearts. We meditate on the things of the heart.

meditate: to ponder, to consider or examine attentively, or deliberately

What are you pondering? What are you giving all of your attention to? What are you deliberately thinking on?

We should be meditating on the word of God. We should be deliberately thinking on what His word says, and reading His word, and giving our attention to His word. If we would do this, then we would not be worrying over things we should not be worrying over. We would know what His word says about worrying.

Matt. 6 v 25....Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?....

Matt. 6 v 34....Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own troubles.....

Matt. 6 v 27...Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?....

Matt. 6 v 33....But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you...


Phillipians 4 v 8...Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.....

So in other words, if you are worrying over your health, your finances, your relationships, your household chores, your job, your yard work, whatever it is you are meditating on, STOP! And remember this little saying. (I saw it somewhere the other day, can't remember where).

How easy it is to remember the things we like to forget.

Well, let's make it easier to remember the things the LORD would have us to remember, and forget all those things that He has already forgotten. AMEN! Quit beating yourself up, and meditate on the good promises He gives us in His word, and let those be the things we meditate on the most. AMEN!

RTB....1 SAM 13-15...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Deny Ourselves Daily

Jesus tells us we are to deny ourselves daily. Now He is not saying to do without anything, and to walk around pitiful and poor. No, He is talking about getting out of our own flesh sometimes when things are not as we would like them to be. For example: let's say everyday you go to school, or to work, or wherever, and there is always this one person who just rubs you the wrong way. Do you react to their snide remarks or do you continue to walk in love toward that person. I mean maybe there is something that is bothering them that makes them act out toward others in a negative way. Or say, someone steals your parking space just as you are getting ready to pull in, after waiting for that elderly lady to back out, straighten up, back up some more, straighten up some more, back up one more time, you get the picture, and then WHAM, some young chic pulls right in front of you into your space, (sort of like on the movie "Fried Green Tomatos) HA! Do you react with the broken finger signal or screaming out the window, or do you just smile and drive on to the next spot? I mean maybe, they are running very late for work, and she is a single mom and can't afford to be late again. Who knows? The question is, "How do you react?"

We try so hard to be good Christian examples to our co-workers, the young people we come into contact with, the other people shopping at the store you are in. We just want to do good, and hear those words from our heavenly Father, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

I don't know about you, but sometimes, I miss out on those words, and get some more loving words instead. Like, Now, Neta, Is that what I have taught you in My Word? Where did you learn such language, I know those words are not in My Word.

We have to lose our life, and live for Him to be able to finish this race with those words we so desperately long to hear. We won't be finished with our race until we finish completely. So every day, as His word says, take up your cross daily and follow me, is what we need to be doing.

Luke 9 v 23-25....Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?"........

You see this world will pass away and be no more, but our lives with the LORD JESUS is forever. We must learn to live by His words, and not by how our flesh wants to react to differences.

RTB....1Sam 4-6
Sat. 1 Sam 7-9
Sun. 1 Sam 10-12

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't Be Disqualified

Have you ever went to church and your listening to every word your pastor is saying, because you feel like he is looking straight at you, and everything he is saying is true about you. Come on, I know I am not the only one who gets their toes stepped on.

Well, last week, was like that for me. I am like, wow, he must have been hiding in my prayer closet, cause everything he said hit me right on. He was talking about becoming disqualified. Well sort of! He was saying when God calls us to do something, and then we do it for a while and then we sort of just drift off in our own directions, like missing a Sunday here and there, or not getting any extra teaching, like from special programs your church or maybe someone else is holding, or not attending every chance you get to be fed the word of God. Or like I was talking yesterday about missing your appointed time with God. Oh, you start sleeping in just a little later, and then the next thing you know, you just don't even show up anymore. But then, you go to church on Sunday, go preaching to everyone you know the rest of the week, and you have not yourself been living up to what your preaching.

Sort of like, how do people see you? Do they see you as the person you are preaching about? Are you the person you really want them to see, through your actions, your language?

We do not want to become disqualified for the thing we want to hear most from our heavenly Father. "Well done, good and faithful servant" That is the prize we should all be shooting for. That is the goal I want to reach. Oh yeh, I have my other goals, like losing 30 pds, and staying wrinkle free, so far I haven't reached either of those, but my most important goal in life, is to be the kind of servant, Jesus would have me to be. One who does not disqualify himself by living the world's way, instead of living by His teachings.

1 Cor. 9 v 24-27....Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one recieves the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore, I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.........

Don't just throw words around in the air at others. Listen to what you are being taught and notice how you are teaching others.

RTB 1 Cor. 13-16


Don't Be Disqualified

Have you ever went to church and your listening to every word your pastor is saying, because you feel like he is looking straight at you, and everything he is saying is true about you. Come on, I know I am not the only one who gets their toes stepped on.

Well, last week, was like that for me. I am like, wow, he must have been hiding in my prayer closet, cause everything he said hit me right on. He was talking about becoming disqualified. Well sort of! He was saying when God calls us to do something, and then we do it for a while and then we sort of just drift off in our own directions, like missing a Sunday here and there, or not getting any extra teaching, like from special programs your church or maybe someone else is holding, or not attending every chance you get to be fed the word of God. Or like I was talking yesterday about missing your appointed time with God. Oh, you start sleeping in just a little later, and then the next thing you know, you just don't even show up anymore. But then, you go to church on Sunday, go preaching to everyone you know the rest of the week, and you have not yourself been living up to what your preaching.

Sort of like, how do people see you? Do they see you as the person you are preaching about? Are you the person you really want them to see, through your actions, your language?

We do not want to become disqualified for the thing we want to hear most from our heavenly Father. "Well done, good and faithful servant" That is the prize we should all be shooting for. That is the goal I want to reach. Oh yeh, I have my other goals, like losing 30 pds, and staying wrinkle free, so far I haven't reached either of those, but my most important goal in life, is to be the kind of servant, Jesus would have me to be. One who does not disqualify himself by living the world's way, instead of living by His teachings.

1 Cor. 9 v 24-27....Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one recieves the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore, I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.........

Don't just throw words around in the air at others. Listen to what you are being taught and notice how you are teaching others.

RTB 1 Cor. 13-16
