What kind of seeds have been sown into your life? Are they seeds that have produced good fruit or seeds that just sprung up weeds?
Think about it for a minute. Are you constantly making negative remarks, do you gossip at every chance you get, do you ridicule and criticize others, do you have a problem with your finances?
We could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Where did these habits or attitudes come from? Well, they are seeds that were sown into your life somewhere down the road, and you let them take root instead of casting them out before they could take hold. You see, when someone sows a negative type seed, (a weed) into your hearing, you must immediately rebuke it, and cast it away so that it can not even get a little bit of a root established into your heart. It is always easier to pull the little blades of grass out of the flower bed each day instead of waiting until it gets roots and spreads among the entire bed of flowers.
Are you loving, and kind, and compassionate toward others? Do you give willingly and generously, and cheerfully? Do you walk in love toward your neighbor and are always willing to help in their time of need? (Neighbor, being anyone you see in need) Where did those habits come from?
Maybe you grew up in a bitter hard world, but then later you were introduced to our LORD and Savior Jesus. Now you have been born again into a new way of living, thinking, behaving. You see, when we come to know Jesus as our personal Savior, we are changed, we have a new mind in Christ, the old man has passed away and the new man takes over. HALLELUJAH! Don't you just love knowing that we do not have to stay that negative, bitter, hateful, person, but that we can walk in love, and have joy and peace in our lives?
If you want to shed a ton of weight that you feel is dragging you down. Just change your attitude to that of one that is loving and kind, and giving. You will feel a lightness in your heart like you have never felt before. Pray this prayer each day, "Lord Jesus, please forgive me where I have failed you, and Lord, please help me to be the best Christian I can be today. Help me to walk in love toward everyone, and to be kind and generous to all. Let my every thought line up with Your thoughts, and my every action reflect Your spirit and not my own flesh. Lord, let me love everyone with the same love You have for us. Help me to be more like you Jesus. AMEN!"
James 1 v 21....therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls....
James 1 v 26-27...If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his own tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world...
Don't get caught up in being religious. Be a true Christian, a follower of Christ, an imitator of Christ Jesus, Himself. Strive each day to be more like Him and watch your life turn around.
Be filled with the joy of Christ, and receive that peace that passes all understanding. AMEN!
RTB....2 Chronicles
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