Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In The Cool Of The Day

Our Sunday school teacher was talking Sunday about when Adam & Eve would walk with the Lord each day in the cool of the day, walking and talking with God. This was before they brought sin into their lives.

Think about that walking and talking with God, just you and God all alone taking a quiet leisurely stroll through the garden. Doesn't that sound wonderful. Jeremy (our Sunday school teacher) says that when he takes his walk each day, he walks with God and listens to Him speak into his life. That is how we all should be, taking a personal walk with God each day and listening to Him speak wisdom into our lives. You know me, I am always ready to walk through a garden, but to walk through with God by my side is AWESOME!

You know we would not struggle so much with the things of this world if we would remember that God is walking along side of us each day, and He is there to catch the bombs (troubles) thrown at us. If we would just let Him and quit trying to out do Him and take all the troubles on by ourselves we would be alot healthier, happier, people. AMEN!

Genesis 3 v 8-9.....And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD GOD among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD GOD called to Adam and said to him, "where are you?"....

Does God have to call out to you and ask where you are? Are you living in sin so that you are embarrased and do not want to face God and have your walk with Him in the cool of the day? Each day we should examine ourselves to see what will God see when we meet with Him today? Will He see a servant who has been walking in love all day toward his brothers or will He see someone who has been walking around causing strife, or gossiping, or being unfaithful to Him in other ways?

This really hit home with me when Jeremy made that simple comment about walking with the LORD each day in the cool of the day talking with Him. I want to be able to walk and talk with Him and fellowship with Him and not have to constantly be asking for His forgiveness although He is always ready to give it, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to just fellowship with the LORD and not have to ask for anything?

How will your walk & talk go with the Lord today, what will you be talking about? I can't wait until the cool of the day to have my one on one time with the LORD. He loves us so much. AMEN!

RTB..We finished Proverbs, then Hebrews and now we are in Eccles.
Sun....Eccles. 1-4
Mon....Eccles 5-8
Wed....Song of Solo ...1-2
Thur....Song of Solo...3-4
Fri....Song of Solo...5-8
Sat...James 1-5 (One of my favorite books)

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