WOW, While reading my devotional today, something Kenneth Copeland said, jumped off those pages and just about knocked me out of my chair. He was talking about the story of the woman with the issue of blood and how she touched the garment of Jesus and was healed. He was saying how at some time or other we all wish we could have been in that crowd that day, following Jesus, or even being the woman who touched the garment. BUT!!!! He pointed out this very important point and I hope we all get it today. Jesus did not say wish you were one of them, go out and be like my disciples. NO, He said go out and imitate ME, be like ME, act like ME, do the works I do, be My witnesses, stand in MY place. WOW! Did you get that? Jesus is telling you to stand in HIS place. Instead of you being the one trying to grab the hem of the garment, you should be the one wearing the garment of Christ, you should be the one with the annointing flowing through you.
OK, now all you people full of religiosity, come on back down off the chandeliers. I am not saying we are to be Jesus, but the word says we are to clothe ourselves with Christ. We are to put on the garment of Jesus, and go about doing His works. Not just go about talking about His works, but actually doing His works. We are to put on our new man. Who is our new man, but the Holy Spirit of Christ Himself. So you will have to take your arguments to Jesus on that one. I mean really think about it. Why would He tell us to act like someone else. Even Billy Graham as great as he is, he still is not perfect nor is he God. But he would be a great example to follow. But Christ, goes one step futher, He says to act like HIM.
I truly believe if we could ever grasp what that means, and grab hold of all that annointing power, people would not be walking around sick today. Because we as Christians would be out there actually doing the work of Christ and not just preaching about it. AMEN!
Someone walks up to you and says, oh I feel so bad, they just told me I have this, or that, you would just slap your hand on them and say COME OUT OF THEM IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and say it like you were Jesus Himself, and whatever it was would come out so fast our heads would be spinning with theirs. HALLELUJAH!! If you truly said it like you were Jesus Himself, it wouldn't matter if they were born again or not, you would have spoken with so much authority that even the devil himself would take off running the other way, if he was trying to sneak up on you. HA HA! LORD, I'm about to preach myself happy! I gotta calm down so I can finish typing this out. I get so excited sometimes, my fingers can't punch the right keys.
Col. 3 v 10...and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him......
Notice it didn't say according to someone else's image, it says according to the image of Him who created you.
John 14 v 12..."Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.......
John 14 v 17..the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you....
So you see, the Spirit of God is not only with you, but in you, so tap into that spirit when things try to come against you, and use it like Jesus Himself would use it, and don't only help yourself, but help others with the power you have been given in Christ Jesus. AMEN
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