Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fill Up On God

Do you ever get a peaceful reassurance feeling when you fill your gas tank to full? A feeling, like ok now I am set I can go for awhile before having to put any more gas in my car. Everything should be good now. Maybe that is just me, from years of not having enough money and running out of gas about 2 or 3 times a week. So much so, that my daddy and little brother would cringe when I called the shop because they just knew they were going to have to come and fix my car and usually that just meant putting gas in it. It is not that they didn't love me but, it is just that they knew where I was spending my money when I should have had gas in my car to get me back and forth to work. Praise God, I have gas now, and more than enough, I don't care how high the devil tries to run the prices up, My God says I shall have more than enough. HALLELUJAH!!

Well, anyway back to my point, that feeling. I thought about something this morning when the Holy Spirit was trying to get me out of my comfortable bed and get into the word. He was telling me, that this should be my time with the LORD, before anything else of the day can come into my spirit. I should first fill up on God. While sharing this with Rob, he brought out a good point. When we go to school as children, we go first thing in the morning, so that what we learn we retain better, because we have not had time yet to get our minds focused on other things. Or when we exercise, we like to start first thing in the morning because then our muscles and our bodies remember the stretches, and the exercise we put them through and they are energized for the rest of the day. Not like if we lay in bed, or sit on the couch, then our bodies become lethargic and lazy. So maybe that is why all throughout the word of God, we see that the people of faith, arose early so that they could seek out God and spend time in His presence before doing anything else.

If we rise early and fill up on God, then the rest of the day we should be able to walk out our faith walk, walk out our love walk, and then maybe we would not be just hearers of the word, but actually doers of the word. You see, when we do our bible studies at night like Rob and I do, then we go to sleep. We do sleep peacefully and restfully, and I think we should give God time before we go to bed also, but if we would give Him time in the morning we would have our hearts full of His word to get us through the day.

Another point that came to me, is the word says to give 10% of our first fruits. So I guess 10% of our time would be the first part of the day. Well, then we all have 24 hours in a day. So God should get 2 hours and 40 minutes of every day. Would it be right to say, that He should get the first 2 hours and 40 minutes? I mean that would be the first fruits of our time. Right? I know now, some of you people who like to sleep in are saying no that ain't right. HA! But, I think it is. I mean you could use the old way and say the day starts at 4pm the day before, so I guess you could give Him from 4-6:40pm every day. But if we want to get all technical like that, then maybe we should step back and look at why we are spending time with God in the first place. Not out of law, but out of love.

So whatever time you decide to give God, give it to God and God alone. Just you and Him having tea in the morning and discussing His word, or hot chocolate at night discussing His word and His will for your life. Just search your heart and see how much time you can spare for God. OUCH!

PS 5 v 3...My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; In the morning, I will direct it to You, and I will look up...

PS 88 v 13...But to You I have cried out, O LORD, and in the morning my prayer comes before You...

Lam 3 v 22-23...Through the LORDs' mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness....

Love ya

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