Matt. 12 v 34 b For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.....
What do we have an abundance of in our lives? Do we have more than enough? Are we lacking in health, prosperity, or in our relationships?
What have we been speaking? Has it been good things or are we giving life to evil things?
Do we say things like, I'm poor, I'm broke, I can never catch up, if it wasn't for bad luck, I would have no luck at all....?
If those words are coming out of your mouth then that is what the abundance is in your heart. We have to replace those words with I am blessed coming and going. I am a highly favored child of God. I have more than enough always. I am in the right place at the right time.....
Are we saying things like, I feel like crud. I always get these headaches. It is that time of year I will have to deal with all these sinus issues. I've got to watch what I eat, my blood sugar might get high, my cholesterol might get high, my blood pressure is always on the high side.....
Replace those words with. ...I am healed by His stripes. I walk in excellent divine health everyday from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I have victory over every sickness, illness, disease because my Lord has nailed all sicknesses to the cross. Hallelujah.
What is the abundance in your heart that is overflowing through your mouth? What words are you giving life to? God's words, or the enemy's? Be careful who you share things with. Don't let someone else go around speaking evil over you giving life to the enemy's works and words. If you need healing only tell those who you know will be in agreement with you and will not speak of your circumstances over and over giving life to them. They will pray and then let God take over. If you are having a hard time with finances, don't go to those who will get on the band wagon and agree with you that yes times are tough and we just have to struggle to make it. That is a lie of the enemy. Go to God's word and let the Holy Spirit guide you and if need be get a financial person to help you with a plan for a budget. If your relationship is struggling, don't go tell all of your family members and friends who will take your side and blast your partner. Pray that God will bless your relationship and your partner and watch as He turns things around.
Our words bring forth good or evil.
Matthew 12 v 35.....A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things......
What words have you been speaking lately? Have you been walking in divine health or sickness? Have you been prosperous with more than enough or are you lacking, struggling to make ends meet? Are your relationships as they should be or are you struggling to get along?
Proverbs 16 v 24....Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.....
Proverbs 15 v 28....the heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil...
Check your words at the door. The door of your heart. Think before you speak. Choose your words wisely. Choose God's words in the place of your own or the enemy's. The enemy will try to entice you with your circumstances to say what is going on, or how you might be feeling, but don't use his words, use God's words and clean out your heart today by replacing all of those negative words of the enemy's with God's truth, His Word.
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