Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Second Step In A New Life

This week we are hearing what the second step is after we are born again. The second step is being renewed. The word tells us to renew our minds. The way we renew our minds is with the Word of God. The more we read it, the more we hear it, the more our minds are renewed. The more we become like Jesus.

First we are made new through accepting Christ Jesus. Then we must continually renew our minds daily to what He says in His Word about who we are.

2 Cor 5 v 17....Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.....

Romans 12 v 2...And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God....

If we are only hearing things from the world all day, and we don't take the time to hear from God. Then what do you think we will think of first, when something tries to come against us? We will remember what the world is saying.

For example, everyday the news for the past week has been about the market dropping. The economy failing. Has this concerned you to the point of worry? Well, it shouldn't, because the Word says, He will provide all your needs. Who are you looking to as your source? This worlds' economy, or God?

Phil 4 v 19...And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus......

A thought just came to me while I was typing that scripture. Maybe the reason I lack sometimes is because I had to look up that scripture. Oh yes, I have heard it over and over again, and I can quote it. But, do I have revelation of it? I can tell you where all the healing scriptures are in the Word, because I have revelation of healing. I have faith in what the word says about healing. I have had healing manifest in me. However, as many times as I have heard this scripture, I had to look in the back to find where it was located so that I could type it correctly, and show you where the Word says that God will supply all of your need. Hmmm!

It is like I say, our Pastor tells us that faith comes from hearing not from HEARD. AMEN! Don't be too quick to turn off your paying attention when a familiar scripture is being read. You never know when it is going to hit you between the ears and you will get a revelation of the fact that it is for you. You are part of the ALL, when God gave us His Blessing, He gave it to ALL of us.

Romans 10 v 17....So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.....

Back to being renewed.....

The first thing we need to do when attempting to renew our minds, is to ask God for wisdom. When we pray for wisdom first, God will then add all other things unto us. Why? Because when He gives us wisdom, we will make right choices, we will be in the right place at the right time for His favor to cover us. AMEN!

James 1 v 5....If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.....

Matthew 6 v 33.....but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you....

All what things? Everything you have need of.

When God told Solomon he could have whatever he asked of Him, what did he ask for? He didn't ask for riches beyond anything that we could ever imagine. No. He asked for wisdom. And because of this God gave him more riches than anyone has ever seen since.

I heard on Joseph Prince the other day, something like this. When we make money a big important thing and chase after it, we never catch up. But when we make money a little thing and make God bigger, money chases us. AMEN!

Solomon didn't care about the riches. He just wanted to make sure that he had the wisdom to make the right decisions as king. Yes, Solomon did fail in some areas, as we all will do in our life times. If we were perfect, we wouldn't need a Savior.
But Solomon never lacked in riches.

God's will is for us to be prosperous and to be in good health and to live out our lives in abundance in every area. We have to renew our minds to believe and have faith in what He says His will is for us. We have to get into His Word, and find for ourselves His plans for us.

He has a good plan for us, a plan for us to prosper in every area. AMEN!

Don't hold on to stinking thinking that you had before giving your life to Christ. You are the righteousness of Christ Jesus. You have the riches of Solomon available to you. You have the Blessing of Abraham on you. You are blessed going in and blessed going out. Your storehouses will overflow. You will live a long and fruitful life.

How do I know all of this to be true? Because He said it in His Word, and He is not a man that He should lie. We just have to renew our minds with the scriptures daily so that our faith will bring revelation of this to each of us and we will see these things manifest in our lives.

Leave that old man behind and never look back. Don't keep picking up the trash you threw out when you became a Christian. Stay out of the dumps, and visit the Kingdom daily through His Word.

Now that you are born again, you have to learn a new language. One that is full of God's Word, and not the negative words you knew before.

Phil 4 v 8...Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy; meditate on these things....

Remember you are the righteousness of Christ Jesus. The same Spirt that raised Jesus from the dead, now resides in you. AMEN!

Be RENEWED in all things that you do, in all things that you think, and in all things that you say.


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