Monday, March 21, 2011

Where Do You Fit In

Sometimes do you wonder where do I fit in to the big scheme of things? Where am I suppose to be in God's big world? Who am I to Him?

We have all wondered that at some time in our lives. You are not alone. But now we have to realize just who we are in Christ. We are joint heirs with Him to the throne. We are God's children and He loves us all the same. He is no respector of man so He will not love you more than me, or me more than you. We are descendants of Abraham and therefore we are in covenant with God to the promises of Abraham.

What does that mean you might ask? Well, for one thing it means you will have no lack. No lack in any area. No lack in your food, no lack in the gasoline you need to put in your car to get you to and fro. No lack in your health. No lack in the strength you need to do the things God calls you to do. I could go on and on. But you get the picture. God says He will provide your every need. He knows what you are going to need before you need it.

Now, where do we fit in? We all fit into God's world, remember He formed us each in our mother's womb. Do you think God would make something for nothing? Why would He do that? No, He has a purpose for each one of us. We heard yesterday at church about our vision as a church. We have a goal for 2011, a vision that we will strive together to meet, and we will meet it before 2011 is over. Why? Because God does not give you a vision and then not see it through.

God gives each of us our own personal visions as well. We struggle sometimes to see what that vision is. I know I do. I am always thinking Lord, what would you have me do for You? What is my purpose? It is like our Pastor said yesterday, sometimes we get under condemnation thinking we can not see our vision, thinking we have to know before the day is over what is my vision. Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the trees. AMEN! We need to back off, stop, get quiet and listen to what God has to say to us. See what He has to show us. And then if you are like me, sometimes He will show us a vision, and we will say, nah, thats not it, I could never do that. Maybe you couldn't, but God can. He is using you to bring His vision about. Now that is where you fit into the big scheme of God's world. Alone, you probably can't do what He might ask you to do, but with Him all things are possible. AMEN!

The next time you are sitting and wondering just who you are to Christ and how you fit into His world, get the word out and begin to look at what the scriptures say about who you are, and what your purpose is. The more we STAY IN THE WORD, the more we know about ourselves and who we are to Him. AMEN!

A scripture Pastor used yesterday to help us with seeing our vision was in Habakkuk. It was marked in my bible so at sometime I had heard this in church or from a speaker before. But, like most of us, I then went about my week and forgot all about it. We need to meditate on scripture when we hear it until we get a revelation of it. Until we say "Oh" now I get it. This week I will be meditating on these scriptures. I do not want to be like the people roaming around in circles in the desert for forty years. I would like to see my vision come to pass in less time than that. AMEN!

Habakkuk 2 v 2-3....Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision. And make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it: Because it will surely come, It will not tarry......

Here is something the Pastor gave us yesterday to help us with our vision.
1.) We pray about it........2) We see it.........3) We write it......4) We say it......5) We act on it.....6) WE HAVE IT!

Remember we have to say what we have before we actually have it. That is faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Rom 10 v 17) We need to hear our vision being spoken out. The word tells us to call those things that are not as though they already are. (2 Cor 4 v 18) ( 2 Cor 5 v 7) (Heb 11 v 3 and verse 6) Jesus told Thomas, blessed are those who believe without yet seeing.(John 20 v 29) That is the Faith of Abraham and we are the descendants of Abraham.( Heb. 11 v 1) How do we get to that point of having that kind of faith?


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