Thursday, September 9, 2010

Open Your Mouth Shut Your Mouth

Do you feel sometimes you are being told to be quiet, and then at the same time you are told to speak up?

There are times when we need to be quiet and just rest in the LORD. There are times when the enemy tries to get us riled up to where we speak out with the wrong words. Have you ever heard the saying you catch more flies with honey.
In other words sometimes when you think you need to give someone a piece of your mind, you would be better off, smiling politely and keeping quiet.

I heard Joyce Meyer say once that before she got to where she is now, she was always giving people a piece of her mind to where eventually there aren't any pieces left. Maybe we should all check how many pieces we have left and keep them. AMEN!

Pastor has been talking this week about what we say. These were the five points he gave us.

1.) What you say or how you say it can fuel an argument or put the fire out
2.) What you say can wound a cut or heal it
3.) What you say or how you say it can produce death or life
4.) What you say or how you say can produce delight and joy in someone's life
5.) What you say or how you say it can produce health or sickness

This is what we talk about when we say we need to put a watch on our words. Here are a few scriptrues he used for the first three. (we haven't gotten to the last two yet)

Prov. 15 v 1.....A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.....

Pastor pointed out that sometimes it could be something as simple as changing our tone of voice when we speak. Our tone of voice can sometimes make people think we are angry when we really are not. Sometimes it may mean replacing the words we are using with better words.

Prov 12 v 18...There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health....

Have you ever had someone say something to you that just pierced you to the heart. Something critical or ridiculing you? When we speak to someone if what we are not saying lifts them up, but instead tears them down, then this is one of those times we need to SHUT OUR MOUTHS.

Prov 12 v 25....Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad...

We never know what is going on in someone's life, what kind of day they may have had, where their feelings are at the moment. What we say can cause anxiety in a person and lead to depression or we can speak positive things into their life, with compliments and be generous with our words, and lift their spirits.

Prov 25 v 11....A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver....

Your words could make someone's day. You never know when you are speaking a timely word at just the right moment that person needed it. Would you not rather lift someone up than to tear them down. This is a time to OPEN OUR MOUTH and speak uplifting words to someone.

Prov. 16 v 24....Pleasant words are like a honeycomb. Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones....

God's word tells us that our words can be health to our bones. Good words can bring health to a person, the same way bad words can bring sickness.

Prov 18 v 21....Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit....

Pastor showed us where the word tongue here is also translated as the word hand. In other words, you are either handing out life or death with your words. He also showed us where the word love means to meditate. In other words the words you meditate on is what you will have.

We need to meditate on the good things. We need to use good words when talking to others and when speaking over our own lives. Speak health and life and happiness into someone's life today. Whoever you encounter today, speak good things unto them, and see God at work.

Phil. 4 v 8.....Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things....

We talked about sowing our seeds yesterday and reaping our harvest. Our words are also seeds that we sow. Don't sow weeds with bad words, but sow a meadow of good words. Reap the harvest. AMEN!

Go ahead MAKE SOMEONE"S DAY with your words today.


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