Are you a well done Christian, or are you medium rare, or maybe even still raw? Are you a choice cut of Christian or are you just your everyday run of the mill Christian? You say what do you mean by this? Why are you referencing us to meat? I don't know, it just came to me this way. HA! In other words what I am asking is are you a Christian that is sold out for Christ, or are you just someone who wanted to secure your salvation so you accepted the LORD? Don't be offended by these questions, there are really Christians out there that live this way. They join a church, go on Sundays, maybe go to an occasional event, but then they go to work or out in public and act like the rest of the world. They sit down and gobble down their food without even a moments thought of giving thanks to the LORD that they even have food to eat. They don't want to look peculiar in front of others.
Then there are Christians who are new born again believers, who are on fire for GOD, but not very strong in the word yet, and they get out in public and try to save the world, only to judge others and look down at them, and think how can they live like they do? When in all reality they were probably living worse than them just a little while ago before they accepted the LORD. And then there are those new Christians that are not very learned in the word, and as soon as they get out into the world, the people and things of the world tear them down, and make fun of them, call them JESUS FREAKS, or say something stupid, like they got religion, and now they can't have fun anymore. (I was one of those people who used to say that, before I became a Christian)
And then there is the medium rare, who know just enough to try to tell the rest of the world how to live and can't even live that way themselves. They spent maybe a few weeks in a bible study class, and now they know it all. They go to church everytime the doors open, yet they leave church and forget what they just heard when it comes to helping others, or giving into the kingdom. They just want to pick and choose the parts of the word they want to believe. Sometimes they get stuck on doctrine instead of the word of GOD.
To be truthful, there is a part of each of these groups in me. I am not so studied in the word that I am a bible scholar, nor am I so sanctified that I do not make mistakes still. Nor, am I at the point that I still do not try to judge others every now and again. But, I am willing to learn from my mistakes and ask the LORD to forgive me, when I unjustly judge someone. I stay in the word everyday so that I might become a better Christian. My goal is to walk in the same love and kindness, and compassion, and mercy that CHRIST gives to us. That should be every Christians' goal. To love others just as Christ has loved us, for there is no greater love than that of Christ's love for us. AMEN!
We could all use just a little more seasoning, to become the Christians, God would have us to be. Don't get overcooked, or under cooked, and don't just settle for medium. We are God's people. We are a highly favored child of GOD. We can have it all. He has given His all for us so that we may have it all. We just have to ask for whatever it is. But first ask for His love, His forgiveness, His mercy, His grace. And then you will know what to ask for next. AMEN!
Learn first to walk in 1 Cor. 13 daily and you will become a perfectly seasoned Christian.
1 Cor. 13 v 1-8.......Though I speak with tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of propehcy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. LOVE NEVER FAILS......
That should be our goal. Yes there are days, when I have behaved rudely, let others provoke me into anger. Although my faith is strong, I love to give into the kingdom, I love to help others, but there are times still, that I have not walked in love. And what Jesus is telling us here, is that though we may do all these other things, if we do not walk in love, we might as well be just making noise with a bunch of clanging on pots and pans, because we have done nothing, if we are not walking in love toward our neighbors. (which by the way means everyone)
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