Just like the shepherds who the angels appeared to announcing the birth of Christ, we too, are to spread the good news. We are all vessels Christ uses to spread His word. First, you had the angel Gabriel come to Mary and share the good news of Christ, and also the fact that she would bring Him into this world. Then you had the angels appearing to the shepherds to tell them the good news of the birth of our Savior, then the shepherds went about shouting and rejoicing and telling all others wide and far of the good news of the birth.
We are to be like the shepherds, and go and tell the good news to others. Christmas is not here because of Santa Claus and his gift giving. Christmas is here because of Christ and the gift that God gave to us on this night. The gift of His only begotten Son. The gift that will be for all eternity. No batteries to be replaced, no wearing out of this gift. This if the perfect gift. The gift that keeps on giving.
During this holiday season, I have seen several specials on different shows about the gifts that keep on giving. Like buying certain name brand shoes, and everytime you do, they donate a pair of shoes to some children who would've never had shoes. There were lots of things like that this year, which is great. But the first gift like that, that keeps on giving, was Christ, God's Son.
Share that gift this season with others. You might just find, you'll save alot of shopping time, alot of money, alot of stress, and bring them and yourself more joy than you thought possible. AMEN!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and were blessed and blessed others with the miracle of Christ's birth being shared along the way.
Luke 2 v 17-18....Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning the Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds......
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