We are coming up to an important time in America, where we will be voting in a new president. We ask ourselves who will make the best leader? Yesterday, I sent out an email to a very few people who I thought could give me some insight on a particular candidate. I apologize now to those I sent this out to. This was not sent out as a joke. This was serious. The problem is, I should have checked out the facts myself, and then kept it to myself, otherwise it was just plain gossip.
Prov. 10 v 18....whoever has hatred has lying lips; and whoever spreads slander is a fool....
We all have our own opinions of who we want to vote for. My question to you is this, "did you pray over that decision" or did you just simply make that decision on your own ability. In other words, did you lean on your own understanding before seeking to see what the word, and what God has to say about it. The word was not just written over 2000 years ago, so that you would have a history book sitting on your shelf to gather dust, no the word is the living word of God, and it is still true today and will be true for tomorrow and forever.
We as Christians need to make sure that we do not go to the polls on our own understanding, but that we seek God first, and we go with His understanding. We can't just say we believe in the word of God, and that we believe it is the living word of God, and then not use it to help us in making one of the most important decisions that we make every 4 years. I mean we should be using the word to help us make all of our important decisions, otherwise we are just flying off the seam of our pants when we trust in ourselves before we trust in God.
So, if you are a Christian don't send out those emails slandering candidates, even if you do have proof. Because then you are putting yourself in God's place trying to persuade someone to vote your way instead of letting God lead them in His way. AMEN! And besides, God does not say that it is OK to put others down, No the last time I checked, His word says that we are to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, not tear each other down. He says that if we say we love Him, and hate our brother then we are liars. I for one do not want to be thought of by God as a liar about loving Him. So let's just get in the word and prayer and let God help us make the right decision when it comes time to vote. AMEN!
1 John 4 v 20-21....If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from Him; that he who loves GOD must love his brother also......
Matthew 6 v 33.....But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.....
Prov. 3 v 5-6...Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.....
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