Friday, April 4, 2008

Take Up Your Bed

We all at one time or another have had to take up our bed and walk. When we read this we immediately think of the man with the infirmary and Jesus says take up your bed and walk, and the man gets up, picks up his bed and walks out healed. Well, sometimes our bed might not be a sick bed, maybe it is a bed of a different nature. You see when we do not do what the word of God says, we can be bound to different types of strongholds. For instance in tithing, if we do not give back to God what is His like He tells us to do, and more importantly if we do not give it with the right heart, then we may be stuck in a bed of poverty. Or if we walk around talking about others, and complaining all the time, then we may be just spending our days wallowing in a bed of misery. (In other words, nothing going our way, and we are just miserable and negative all the time, and we want everybody else to be miserable with us.) Or maybe it is a bed of sickness, and we just can't seem to get our healing.

Then we need to do what Jesus told this man to do, and "PICK UP OUR BED!" I just do not see how He could make it any more clearer than that. In other words, quit whining and letting the devil keep you down, PICK UP YOUR BED AND WALK AWAY FROM THAT STRONGHOLD. You need to get a revelation of what Jesus is saying here. He is saying that the only thing holding you in that bed is YOU. He already said it was finished. Now you just have to believe it and PICK UP YOUR BED!!! The ball is in your court now, do you have the faith to PICK UP YOUR BED AND WALK?

I know someone right now who is picking up their bed, and they are determined to get out of that bed. I am so proud of this person, and I know that they will not return to this bed, because they have finally gotten tired of being in that bed. Sometimes, you just have to get so fed up with being held down by whatever your stronghold is, that you just say forget it, I am getting out of this bed, and this bed is not carrying me any longer, I will PICK IT UP and take back control over my life, and my LORD will give me the strength to endure. AMEN.

Matt. 9 v 2....Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you.".......

Matt. 9 v 4....But Jesus, knowing their thoughts said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven you, or to say, Arise and walk?" "But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins," then He said to the paralytic, "Arise take up your bed, and go to your house." And he arose and departed to his house....

If you truly believe that Jesus can forgive all sins, then why would you doubt that He can do something as simple as healing you?

So if you feel like this is you, then I say again, PICK UP YOUR BED!!! Start seeing yourself out of that bed, and hold on to that image, and believe what Jesus said and you too will PICK UP YOUR BED AND WALK. HALLELUJAH!!!!


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