Friday, December 21, 2007

Let us Count Our Blessings, Big & Small!

This Christmas while we are being blessed, let us look at all the blessings we have received throughout the past year. When New Year's Eve rolls around, let us celebrate by remembering all our blessings, big and small.

So many times when we talk about blessings we tend to only think of big moments in our lives where something went really well for us. But what about our everyday blessings?

When we wake up in the morning with great health, (which is what the word says you can have as a believer) let us thank God before our feet even hit the floor.

Step 1 to divine health...
Prov. 3 vs 5-8....Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones....

Thank God you woke up from a warm bed in a warm house. Think of how many people live day to day without shelter. It is sad that America has so many homeless people. If you want to go on a mission trip, go to your local shelter.

Thank God for the food you eat and even all the food you throw away each day. If you want to help feed the hungry, again go to your own local shelter.

Thank God for the relationship you have with a spouse. Make a habit of thanking God for your spouse everyday and showing them how much they mean to you. Stop taking them for granted!

The same is true with family. Visit a nursing home and see the faces of those who have no family whatsoever to call their own light up just because you spoke to them. Instead of adopting a dog or cat, adopt a grandparent.

And then we have the blessing of many friends in our lives. I am thankful for all of my friends, for all the friends who have came through my life at some time or other. I can honestly say I am truly blessed when it comes to friends. I just love people and I love to make new friends everyday. Sometimes, I have to be careful, because people think I am a little odd when I just start talking with someone as if I have known them all of my life. But I am fascinated by the way people respond to you. (some with fear) HA! But mostly with kindness.

As children of God we have so much to be thankful for, we are blessed in so many ways, we just need to learn how to give forward continuously so that others may share in these simple blessings.

Rob and I are starting a new tradition this year. We will celebrate New Years Eve with remembering our blessings big and small that we were blessed with throughout the past year. We will look to the New Year with how we might be a blessing to God's Kingdom, and how we might grow even more in our relationship with Christ. We have a small silver tree, that is called our Blessing Tree, and we actually decorate it with replicas of things we have been blessed with. We are very excited about our new tradition and hope it will catch on with our family. We do not want to take any of our blessings for granted. As we have grown so much in the LORD this past year, we have become more and more aware of just what a blessing is, and recognizing them when they happen. We do get some strange looks in the grocery store or dept. stores when something rings up less than we thought and we slap high 5's and say what a blessing! We are probably known as that escentric couple that moved here from LA. HA! But that is OK because, the word says we are a peculiar people. I gotta tell you, I like being a peculiar people!

I think Brandon nailed it when he named his ministry "Out of Our Mind". We are to be out of our minds for Christ and it is OK when we get strange looks. It is funny that before we were saved and still living like the devil we didn't think twice about how people looked at us. Or when you go to a ball game or concert and you hoop and holler or try to sing along to a song when you know you can't carry a tune. Now, that we are living for GOD, I say lose the bad stuff, but keep the enthusiasm.

Don't be ashamed to let loose every now and then with your praises to the LORD!
You may find a blessing in that. (like less tension) Neta

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