Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Are You Still Fighting Stains

Have you ever had a favorite piece of clothing and spilt something on it that stained and would not come out, no matter what you used. You try all kinds of miracle cleaners and stain removers and nothing seems to work. The stain may fade out but you can see it even though sometimes others might not unless you tell them that it is there.

That is how we sometimes as Christians treat our Lord and Saviors' work on the cross. He died for all sins and yet we still carry our stains around with us as if His blood wasn't good enough to wash them out. I know I carried mine around for a long time until my Pastor at the time told me that it was as if I was telling Jesus to sit this one out because it was too big a job for Him, I would just have to take care of it myself. WOW! What an eye opener. Never since have I carried that stain with me.

Have you something in your life that you feel like it is so bad that God will not forgive you. That is the enemy telling you that lie. What does the enemy do? He comes to kill, steal and destroy. He doesn't want you to see who you really are in Christ Jesus, because then he knows that you will no longer believe his lies.

John 10 v 10....the theif does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly......

We are starting a new series on Wed. nights "Keeping up with the Corinthians". I am excited because people will learn how much God really loves them and what Jesus' work on the cross did for them. They will be freed from being under condemnation of the law and better able to understand that they are under His Grace and what it means being washed by His blood.

Let's look in chapter 6 of 1 Cor. and see what does the word say about those stains you are holding on to.

1 Cor. 6 v 9-11.....Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved. Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor coveteous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God......

Well, there were a few stains of mine in there and still some that were not listed. But Praise God! Did you see what His word tells you? You were WASHED, SANCTIFIED, and JUSTIFIED. AMEN! So many times people are quick to point out to us what we did with this verse and leave off the BUT part. Aren't you glad God's word said "BUT WAIT" You were washed, sanctified, and justified. Hallelujah! That's the good news. AMEN!

1 Cor. 6 v 20....For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's....

In other words, there are no longer any stains. You are God's own child. His children bear no stains and no condemnation. He paid a non negotiable price with His Son's blood. The slate has been wiped clean, there are no longer any stains.

How can you find out more about this love God has for you?


If you don't have a church home let me invite you to be my guest and come visit on Wed. nights and let's study the Word together.
LifeWay Church, 7621 Old Mocksville Rd, Salisbury, NC

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Which Way Are You Pulled

Which Way Are You Pulled

When you go to church do you leave feeling a sense of well being, a peace, an excitement over what you heard? Or do you leave feeling the same way as when you arrived or worse yet feeling condemned?

I heard Joseph Prince use this play on the word Pulpit. The pulpit can pull you down into the pit or pull you out of the pit. I thought how true that is. Sometimes you can hear a preacher and he can pull you down into the pits by preaching condemnation. If you feel condemned after hearing the word of God then that condemnation is coming from the enemy or the one preaching, it is not from God. You should never be taught a message that causes condemnation without also being taught at the same time His forgiveness.

God says, He remembers your sin no more. He says there is no condemnation for those who are living for Him.

Romans 8 v 1....there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit....

The key here is that you are walking in the Spirit of God not in your flesh. We can bring condemnation on ourselves by walking in the flesh and continuing in sin when we know better.

The message Jesus told His disciples to take to the world was the Gospel. The good news, not one of condemnation.

He said He came not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

John 3 v 17...For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved......

I can assure you that when I was lost and living like the devil himself, I knew I was living in sin, I didn't need to be told. When the song Amazing Grace says, I once was lost and now I am found, was blind now I see, it is talking about being blind to the love of Christ Jesus and His forgiveness. It is not saying I was blind to what I was doing.

Romans 5 v 18-19.....Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself, through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.....

When we go out to witness to others, it is to share the love of Christ Jesus and His fogiveness. Heathens know they are heathens, they don't need you to tell them. They do not need a judge, they need a Savior. It is not our job to cleanse them, that job is for Jesus. Our job is to share the love and forgiveness that is found in Christ Jesus and then let Jesus do His job. He is not quitting or retiring, His job is not available and never will be. We will never be promoted into His position.

Share the Word with others, so that they too can see the love God has for them and His forgiveness. Don't ever try to pull them down into the pit by reminding them of what they are doing wrong, but yet use His Word to pull them out. Let God be their judge, let Jesus be their Savior, and we can be ambassadors for Christ Jesus taking His good news. Where do you find the good news to share?


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Do You Need A Sign

While listening to my Joseph Prince cd's, I heard him make a comment that when man speaks, people believe, but when God speaks we want a sign.

I find it amazing how true that statement is, especially with Christians.

We say we believe the word of God, but yet let someone tell us something that is contradictory to the word and we easily believe it. Not only do we easily believe but we tend to readily believe.

I believe it all comes down to us seeing who we really are in Christ Jesus.

He also made the comment about when there was a sacrifice before the cross, the offering was examined by the High Priest to make certain that the offering was good enough for what it was to atone for.

When Jesus was offered up on the cross, God did the examining Himself. Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb once and for all. When Jesus cried out "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me", it was the first time that He called Him God instead of Father. Why? Because He became us on the cross, He took on ALL of our sins, diseases, sickness, poverty, unrest. He was not the sin, He took on our sin, and was the perfect atonement.

Now, our Father God in heaven sees us as Christ. Our righteousness, peace, prosperity, health is seated at the right hand of God the Father.

When someone tells you, you are sick, go to the throne and ask Him who is seated at the right hand of God your Father if He is sick or did His blood cover ALL sickness? ( 1 Pet 2 v 24, IS 53 v 5) When someone tells you that you will always be poor, go to the right hand and ask Him who is seated there, did He not become poor so that we might be made rich? (2 Cor 8 v 9) When someone tries to steal your peace, go and ask Him where can you find peace? (IS 26 v 3, John 14 v 27)

He said My peace I give to you, not as the world gives but My peace I give you. His peace, His shalom means wholeness, completeness, peace, prosperity, health, righteousness.

Next time someone tries to give you a bad report, don't just readily agree, instead remember who you are in Christ Jesus. Remember what He died for on the cross for you. He not only died for your salvation, He also took on all your sickness, disease, poverty, ALL sin. Remember that His blood has already paid the price, (He was the atonement) so that you would not have to.

Remember that His word is the TRUTH.

John 14 v 27..."Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid".....

John 17 v 10-11...".And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them. Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are..."

John 17 v 16..."They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."....

Jesus is praying to the Father here in these passages and He declares that we as believers are in this world but we are not of this world. In other words, we do not belong to this world, but to Him and the Father, and we are not subject to the things of this world.

We have His Peace. AMEN! Where do you find this peace, this wholeness, this completeness?

Let me take this opportunity to invite you all to celebrate with folks everywhere, this Sunday as Back to Church Sunday. This is being done nationwide and there are plenty of churches here locally participating. There are all sorts of reasons as to why people have gotten out of church or maybe even some who have never had a church home. Don't let any reasons or excuses keep you from going this Sunday to hear how much God loves you and how He wants you to experience His peace, His wholeness. Come visit us this Sunday if you do not have a church home. You are welcome at our church no matter where you are in your life, no matter what you have done in your past, no matter what denomination your background has been or is. There is no reason to stay at home this week. Come and let the love of God fill your hearts, and His peace fill your minds. Come expecting to receive His blessing on your life. Come expecting to feel His love for you. We love you and would welcome you at our church. Address and service times below

LIFE WAY CHURCH .....7621 Old Mocksville Road....Salisbury, NC 28144
go out 601 it is the street right after, or right before Shoafs Wagon Wheel depending on which way you are coming. Then it is on the right.

Service times.....9am and 11am
You don't want to miss out this Sunday. Remember come expecting to receive what God has for you. AMEN. C'Ya there and as always.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Quality Time

We were talking about prayer time and spending time in the Word, and Pastor said something like, it is not the quanity of time you spend in the Word but the quality of time.

This reminded me of the story of Mary and Martha. When Jesus came to visit, Martha was running around trying to do her best with her works to take care of Jesus. Mary on the other hand sat at Jesus feet with her full attention on Jesus and what He had to say.

First of all Jesus doesn't need us to take care of Him. He is there to take our cares. Second, Jesus is the Word. Martha had no time in her busy schedule to listen to the Word. She thought she was doing what was right by working to supply a good meal when in fact, all she needed to do to receive a good meal was to feast on the Word as Mary was doing.

Jesus gently rebuked Martha and told her when she complained about Mary not helping, that Mary was doing right. That what Mary was receiving would not be taken away from her.

Any praise and thanks that Martha might have received for a good meal would soon be forgotten probably, even before the next meal was served. She may have felt worth and others' gratitude for serving them, but that would be temporal and what Mary was receiving from the Word (Jesus) would be eternal.

Luke 10 v 38-42.....Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore, tell her to help me." And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.".....

Mary was focused on the Word. Martha was focused on works. We can sometimes become so focused on the work to be done, and think that we are the only ones that can do it, that we miss out on the teaching of the Word. Sometimes in Ministry, the workers do the same. If you have a nursery worker who is working every service, then they are not being fed the Word. Be careful that your church does not allow all Marthas, and no Marys, that they do not have time to be fed themselves. There has to be a balance as all the parts of the Body must be fed.

If you are a Martha never being fed, then you will never be able to grow in the Word. You will become like stagnant water never changing, unteachable, never moving. Stagnant water is full of bacteria, that causes diseases that can lead to death.

Just as our bodies need water daily to survive, we also need to be fed the Word to survive. We need fresh water. We need a fresh Word. What I mean by a fresh Word, is that if we do not receive a new and fresh Word, we will try to survive on what we have heard sometime before. That particular Word may not be a Word in season for us today. Or let me say it like this, you may not pay any attention to it when you hear it, because you think, "oh I have heard that before".

Pastor also said this, that we should read just what we are able to meditate on. That really helped me, because I know personally I sometimes try to knock out a chapter just so I finish whatever my bible reading through was for the day. When in all reality, I did not receive anything because I did not meditate on what I had read. The Word tells us to meditate on His word, to keep them before our eyes.

Prov 4 v 20-22....My son, give attention to My words; incline your ear to My sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.....

PS 119 v 105....Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path....

Both these scriptures tell us how important the Word is to us. They are health for us, and they are light for us. When we are faced with challenges we can recall the Word in our hearts that we have meditated on and know that there will be a light to show us the path to take to bring us through our challenge. If we do not meditate on His word, and build our faith on that Word, we can find ourselves wandering in a wilderness trying to find the way out.

Spend quality time with the Lord each day in His Word. Don't always be a Martha, take some time to be a Mary and receive that good part that will not be taken away.